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2020-04-07 自然资源应用科学副学士-Wildland Fire2020-04-07 Associate in Applied Science in Natural Resources - Wildland Fire绿河学院(Auburn Center)
2020-04-07 专业证书-木工技术-住宅和轻型商业框架2级2020-04-07 Certificate of Proficiency - Carpentry Technology - Residential and Light Commercial Fra
2020-04-07 专业证书-航空航天与先进制造(精密加工2)2020-04-07 Certificate of Proficiency - Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing (Precision Machining 2
2020-04-07 法庭报告和字幕专业证书-文字学家/文字编辑2020-04-07 Certificate of Proficiency in Court Reporting and Captioning- Scopist/Text Editor绿河学院(Au
2020-07-16 应用艺术副学士-医疗办公室管理2020-07-16 Associate in Applied Arts - Medical Office Administration绿河学院(Auburn Center)美国 Auburn雅思分数 预定考试
2020-04-07 应用科学副学士-空中交通管制2020-04-07 Associate in Applied Science - Air Traffic Control绿河学院(Auburn Center)美国 Auburn雅思分数 预定考试0.0开学日期2
2020-04-07 应用科学副学士-航空公司派遣2020-04-07 Associate in Applied Science - Airline Dispatch绿河学院(Auburn Center)美国 Auburn雅思分数 预定考试0.0开学日期2022
2020-04-07 应用科学副教授-机械加工与制造技术2020-04-07 Associate in Applied Science - Machining and Manufacturing Technology绿河学院(Auburn Center)美国 A
2020-04-07 应用科学副学士-木工技术-住宅和轻商业2020-04-07 Associate in Applied Science - Carpentry Technology - Residential and Light Commercial绿河学院
2020-04-07 专业证书-航空航天和先进制造(机器维护2)2020-04-07 Certificate of Proficiency - Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing (Machine Maintenance 2
2020-07-26 航空科学应用科学学士学位2020-07-26 Bachelor of Applied Science in Aeronautical Science绿河学院(Auburn Center)美国 Auburn雅思分数 预定考试0.0开学日期20
2020-04-07 专业证书-航空航天和先进制造(精密加工1)2020-04-07 Certificate of Proficiency - Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing (Precision Machining 1
2020-04-07 专业证书-航空航天和先进制造(机器维护1)2020-04-07 Certificate of Proficiency - Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing (Machine Maintenance 1
2020-07-20 大专科学学士学位转移学位1(生物学)2020-07-20 Associate in Science Transfer Degree – Transfer Track 1(Biology)绿河学院(Auburn Center)美
2020-04-07 专业证书-木工技术-住宅和轻型商业框架1级2020-04-07 Certificate of Proficiency - Carpentry Technology - Residential and Light Commercial Fra
2020-07-26 信息技术应用科学学士学位-软件开发2020-07-26 Bachelor of Applied Science in Information Technology - Software Development绿河学院(Auburn Cent
2020-04-07 应用科学副学士-商业飞行员(固定翼飞行员)2020-04-07 Associate in Applied Science - Commercial Pilot (Fixed Wing Pilot)绿河学院(Auburn Center)美国
2020-07-18 信息技术应用科学学士学位-网络管理与安全2020-07-18 Bachelor of Applied Science in Information Technology - Network Administration and Securi
2020-04-07 专业证书-航空航天和先进制造(质量保证和检验)2020-04-07 Certificate of Proficiency - Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing (Quality Assurance a
2020-07-18 二级科学转移专业-机械/民用/航空/工业/材料科学2020-07-18 Associate in Science Transfer Track 2 - Mechanical/Civil/Aeronautical/Industrial/Mat