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2020-06-13 新西兰美发证书(沙龙支持)(3级)2020-06-13 New Zealand Certificate in Hairdressing (Salon Support) (Level 3)马努考理工学院(New Zealand Maritim
2020-06-13 职业通道建设与基础设施(2级)-建设2020-06-13 Vocational Pathways Construction and Infrastructure (Level 2) - Construction新西兰南方理工学院(Queen
2020-06-13 新西兰国际货运物流文凭(货运代理)(5级)2020-06-13 New Zealand Diploma in International Freight Logistics (Freight Forwarding) (Level 5)国立中
2020-06-13 新西兰工程文凭(6级)(民事)2020-06-13 New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Level 6) (Civil)Ara坎特伯雷理工学院(Madras Street Campus)新西兰 Chris
2020-06-13 新西兰系统管理文凭(6级)2020-06-13 New Zealand Diploma in Systems Administration (Level 6)马努考理工学院(New Zealand Maritime School)新西兰 A
2020-06-13 新西兰系统管理文凭(6级)2020-06-13 New Zealand Diploma in Systems Administration (Level 6)Ara坎特伯雷理工学院(Madras Street Campus)新西兰 Chri
2020-06-13 新西兰基础技能证书(第2级)交易开始构建2020-06-13 New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 2) Trade Start Construction马努考理工学院(Ne
2020-04-07 新西兰学习和职业准备证书(3级),文凭课程工程2020-04-07 New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation (Level 3) Pre Diploma Engineer
2020-05-31 11-12年级高中毕业证书(彼得卡恩利英国国教社区学校)2020-05-31 Senior Secondary Certificate of Education Years 11-12 (Peter Carnley Anglican Com
2020-05-31 11-12年级高中毕业证书(圣马克圣公会社区学校)2020-05-31 Senior Secondary Certificate of Education Years 11-12 (St Mark's Anglican Community
2020-05-31 11-12年级高中毕业证书-(John Septimus Roe英国国教社区学校)2020-05-31 Senior Secondary Certificate of Education Years 11-12 - (John Septim
2020-05-31 11-12年级高中毕业证书(乔治亚州莫洛伊英国国教学校)2020-05-31 Senior Secondary Certificate of Education Years 11-12 (Georgiana Molloy Anglican
2020-05-31 11-12年级高中毕业证书(彼得·莫耶斯圣公会社区学校)2020-05-31 Senior Secondary Certificate of Education Years 11-12 (Peter Moyes Anglican Commu
2020-06-11 国家教育成就证书(NCEA)-(13年级)2020-06-11 National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) - (Year 13)新西兰埃文代尔学院(Avondale)新西兰
2020-06-11 国际普通中等教育证书(IGCSE)-(11年级)2020-06-11 The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) - (Year 11)新西兰埃文
2021-01-20 最近几年,自从我国对于动漫产业的大力扶持之后,动漫产业也逐渐成为了我国经济链中的重要一环,每年都有大量的学生选择投身于动漫产业,而新西兰的动漫产业一直非常出色,同时也吸引了国内外大量对动漫设计、影视后期制作等相关专业感兴趣的学生赴新西兰留学
2020-06-12 信息技术研究生证书-因弗卡吉尔2020-06-12 Postgraduate Certificate in Information Technology - Invercargill新西兰南方理工学院(Queenstown Campus)新
2020-06-13 新西兰成人识字和算术教育证书(职业/工作场所)(5级)2020-06-13 New Zealand Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education (Vocational/Workp
2020-04-07 新西兰园艺证书(三级),在公园和花园中工作2020-04-07 New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture (Level 3) with a strand in Parks and Gardens马努考理
2020-06-12 新西兰餐饮服务证书(4级),含餐厅服务2020-06-12 New Zealand Certificate in Food and Beverage Service (Level 4) with Restaurant ServicesAra