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2020-08-01 物理学文学士-生物医学物理学2020-08-01 Bachelor of Arts in Physics - Biomedical Physics犹他大学 - Shorelight(Utah Main Campus)美国 Salt Lake
2020-04-07 物理学文学士-天文学与天体物理学2020-04-07 Bachelor of Arts in Physics - Astronomy and Astrophysics犹他大学 - Shorelight(Utah Main Campus)美国
2020-08-01 特殊教育文学士-5岁以下特殊教育的诞生2020-08-01 Bachelor of Arts in Special Education - Birth to Age 5 Special Education犹他州立大学(Main Campus
2020-08-05 生物医学工程哲学博士-生物力学2020-08-05 Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering - Biomechanics犹他大学(Main Campus)美国 Salt Lake Cit
2020-08-01 公园,娱乐和旅游学理学学士-可持续旅游和酒店管理2020-08-01 Bachelor of Science in Parks, Recreation and Tourism - Sustainable Tourism and Hospit
2020-08-01 家庭,消费者和人类发展理学学士-人类发展寿命2020-08-01 Bachelor of Science in Family, Consumer, and Human Development - Human Development Life
2020-04-07 土地,植物和气候系统科学学士学位2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Land, Plant and Climate Systems犹他州立大学(Main Campus (Logan))美国 Logan雅思分数
2020-04-07 毒理学哲学博士(动物,乳制品和兽医学)2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosphy in Toxicology (Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences)犹他州立大学(Main Campu
2020-08-01 动物,乳制品和兽医学学士学位-生物技术2020-08-01 Bachelor of Science in Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary Sciences - Biotechnology犹他州立大学(Main C
2020-08-01 生物学理学学士-生态/生物多样性2020-08-01 Bachelor of Science in Biology - Ecology/Biodiversity犹他州立大学(Main Campus (Logan))美国 Logan雅思分数
2020-07-26 营养,营养学和食品科学学士学位-营养科学2020-07-26 Bachelor of Science in Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Sciences - Nutrition Science犹他州立大学(
2020-08-01 动物,乳制品和兽医科学学士学位-生物兽医学2020-08-01 Bachelor of Science in Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary Sciences - Bioveterinary Science犹他州
2020-08-01 特殊教育理学学士-严重残疾/ 5岁特殊教育的出生2020-08-01 Bachelor of Science in Special Education - Severe Disabilities/ Birth to Age 5 Specia
2020-04-07 物理学理学士-天文学与天体物理学2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Physics - Astronomy and Astrophysics犹他大学 - Shorelight(Utah Main Campus
2020-08-01 环境与可持续发展研究理学学士-土地管理,保护与安置2020-08-01 Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Sustainability Studies - Land Management, C
2020-08-01 机械工程学学士-航空航天工程2020-08-01 Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering - Aerospace Engineering犹他州立大学(Main Campus (Logan)
2020-08-05 生物医学工程哲学博士-生物材料与治疗学2020-08-05 Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering - Biomaterials and Therapeutics犹他大学(Main Ca
2020-08-01 技术系统科学学士-信息和计算机技术2020-08-01 Bachelor of Science in Technology Systems - Information and Computer Technology犹他州立大学(Main C
2020-08-13 环境与可持续发展研究理学学士-土地管理,保护与场所2020-08-13 Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Sustainability Studies - Land Management, C
2020-04-07 人体运动科学理学学士-物理疗法2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Human Movement Science - Pre-Physical Therapy犹他州立大学(Main Campus (Logan)