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2020-07-29 生物学学士学位,具有中学教师认证的硕士学位课程2020-07-29 Bachelor of Science in Biology with Master’s Level Coursework for Secondary Teacher
2020-07-30 教学文学硕士(MAT):高中教师证书(9-12年级)-社会科学2020-07-30 Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT): High School Teacher Certification (Grades 9-
2020-07-24 儿童教育学教育硕士课程教师(1至6年级)-文科[选项C]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education in Childhood Education Teacher (Grades 1 to 6) - L
2020-07-30 教学文学硕士(MAT):高中教师证书(9-12年级)-地球科学2020-07-30 Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT): High School Teacher Certification (Grades 9-
2020-07-19 生物学学士学位,具有中学教师认证的硕士学位课程2020-07-19 Bachelor of Arts in Biology with Master’s Level Coursework for Secondary Teacher Cer
2020-07-29 历史学学士学位,具有中学教师证书的硕士学位课程2020-07-29 Bachelor of Arts in History with Master’s Level Coursework for Secondary Teacher Cer
2020-07-29 物理学学士学位,具有中学教师证书的硕士学位课程2020-07-29 Bachelor of Arts in Physics with Master’s Level Coursework for Secondary Teacher Cer
2020-07-24 教学文学硕士-地球科学老师(7至12年级)[针对职前教师]2020-07-24 Master of Arts in Teaching - Earth Science Teacher (Grades 7 to 12) [for pre-ser
2020-07-24 幼儿教育教师教育科学硕士(出生至2年级)[选项B]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education in Early Childhood Education Teacher (Birth to Grade
2020-07-29 数学文学学士学位,具有中学教师认证的硕士学位课程2020-07-29 Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics with Master’s Level Coursework for Secondary Teache
2020-07-24 儿童教育教育学理学硕士教师(1至6年级)-文科[选择A]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education in Childhood Education Teacher (Grades 1 to 6) - L
2020-07-30 教学文学硕士(MAT):中学教师证书(5-9年级)-语言艺术2020-07-30 Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT): Middle School Teacher Certification (Grades 5
2020-07-24 幼儿教育教师教育科学硕士(出生至2年级)[选项C]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education in Early Childhood Education Teacher (Birth to Grade
2020-07-24 青春期科学教育教学文学硕士(7-12年级)[针对在职教师]2020-07-24 Master of Arts in Teaching in Adolescence Science Education (Grades 7-12) [For i
2020-07-29 化学科学学士学位,具有中学教师认证的硕士学位课程2020-07-29 Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with Master’s Level Coursework for Secondary Teach
2020-08-04 特殊教育顺序的教育硕士,面向残疾学生证书的教师2020-08-04 Master of Education in Special Education Sequence for Teacher of Students with Disabil
2020-07-24 儿童教育教育学理学硕士教师(1-6年级)-数学[选项C]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education in Childhood Education Teacher (Grades 1 to 6) - M
2020-07-24 儿童教育教育学理学硕士教师(1至6年级)-文科[选择B]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education in Childhood Education Teacher (Grades 1 to 6) - L
2020-07-29 物理科学学士学位,具有中学教师认证的硕士学位课程2020-07-29 Bachelor of Science in Physics with Master’s Level Coursework for Secondary Teacher
2020-07-24 青春期科学教育教学硕士学位(7-12年级)[针对职前教师]2020-07-24 Master of Arts in Teaching in Adolescence Science Education (Grades 7-12) [For p