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2020-07-03 理学学士(荣誉)海洋生物学士学位2020-07-03 BSc (Hons) Marine Biology with Foundation Year普利茅斯大学(Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentis
2020-07-02 电气与电子工程(荣誉)学士学位-普利茅斯大学2020-07-02 BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering - University of Plymouth纳维教育集团 英国(Uni
2020-06-05 旅游学士学位,包含旅游和旅游管理文凭[墨尔本]2020-06-05 Bachelor of Tourism Packaged with Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management [Melbourne]
2020-05-07 酒店管理高级文凭,附带商业烹饪四级证书[悉尼]2020-05-07 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management Packaged with Certificate IV in Commercial
2020-05-07 酒店管理高级文凭,附有商业烹饪四级证书[墨尔本]2020-05-07 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management Packaged with Certificate IV in Commercial
2020-06-27 BMBS医学学士学位,外科学士学位2020-06-27 BMBS Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery普利茅斯大学(Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Denti
2020-07-03 理学士(荣誉)环境科学学士学位2020-07-03 BSc (Hons) Environmental Science with Foundation Year普利茅斯大学(Peninsula Schools of Medicine and
2020-06-16 机械工程(荣誉)工程学士学位(基础课程)2020-06-16 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year普利茅斯大学(Peninsula Schools of Medici
2020-06-16 理学士(荣誉)心理学与人类生物学2020-06-16 BSc (Hons) Psychology with Human Biology普利茅斯大学(Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry)英国
2020-06-16 国际贸易与运营管理(荣誉)文学士学位2020-06-16 BA (Hons) International Trade and Operations Management普利茅斯大学(Peninsula Schools of Medicine
2020-06-05 拥有食品科学与技术文凭的烹饪管理学士学位[墨尔本]2020-06-05 Bachelor of Culinary Management Packaged with Diploma in Food Science and Technology
2020-06-29 理学士(荣誉)海洋科学和海洋保护-普利茅斯大学2020-06-29 BSc (Hons) Ocean Science and Marine Conservation - Plymouth University纳维教育集团 英国(Univer
2020-07-03 建筑工程学士(荣誉)学位(普利茅斯大学)2020-07-03 BSc (Hons) Architectural Engineering (University of Plymouth)纳维教育集团 英国(University of Leic
2020-07-04 营养学理学士学位-普利茅斯大学2020-07-04 BSc (Hons) Dietetics - University of Plymouth纳维教育集团 英国(University of Leicester Global Study Ce
2020-06-16 复合材料工程学(荣誉)机械工程学士学位2020-06-16 BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with Composites普利茅斯大学(Peninsula Schools of Medicine and
2020-07-01 建筑学(荣誉)文学士学位(普利茅斯大学)2020-07-01 BA (Hons) Architecture (University of Plymouth)纳维教育集团 英国(University of Leicester Global S
2020-06-05 糕点店IV证书与商业烹饪院IV证书包装在一起[墨尔本]2020-06-05 Certificate IV in Patisserie Packaged with Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery [M
2023-09-05 南安普顿大学是英国的一个顶尖级高等教育学府,是罗素大学集团、科学与工程南联盟的重要成员。南安普顿大学始建于1862年,建校历史悠久,经过多年的发展,现在已经是世界最领先的科学与工程研究中心。有学子在国内读完本科后,想要进一步提升学历,但是又
2020-06-20 生物和生物医学科学基金会(普利茅斯大学国际学院)2020-06-20 Foundation in Biological and Biomedical Sciences (Plymouth University International C
2020-07-03 土木工程(荣誉)工程学士学位-普利茅斯大学国际学院2020-07-03 BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering - Plymouth University International College纳维教育集团 英国(U