IDP为您找到相关结果约 714个
2020-07-21 运筹学理学硕士-工业和系统工程2020-07-21 Master of Science in Operations Research - Industrial and Systems Engineering阿拉巴马大学亨茨维尔分校(Hunt
2020-08-07 遗传学和基因组科学学士学位2020-08-07 Bachelor of Science in Genetics and Genomic Sciences阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 - INTO USA(Birmingham)美国 Birming
2020-08-08 卫生保健管理理学学士-临床经理专业2020-08-08 Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management - Clinical Manager Track阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 - INTO USA
2020-08-08 卫生保健管理理学学士-总经理专业2020-08-08 Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management - General Manager Track阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 - INTO USA(B
2020-04-07 社会学文学士-社会心理学2020-04-07 Bachelors of Arts in Sociology - Social Psychology阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 - INTO USA(Birmingham)美国 Birmingham
2020-04-07 实验心理学哲学博士-认知心理学2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Psychology - Cognitive Psychology阿拉巴马大学(Tuscaloosa Campus
2020-08-08 应用流行病学公共卫生理学硕士2020-08-08 Master of Science in Public Health in Applied Epidemiology阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 - INTO USA(Birmingham)美国
2020-08-08 卫生保健管理理学学士-长期护理管理专业2020-08-08 Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management - Long-Term Care Administration Track阿拉巴马大学伯
2020-08-07 大众传播学-公共关系传播学文学士2020-08-07 Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies with Mass Communication - Public Relations阿拉巴马大学伯明翰
2020-04-07 实验心理学哲学博士-社会心理学2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Psychology - Social Psychology阿拉巴马大学(Tuscaloosa Campus)美国
2020-08-03 临床心理学哲学博士-临床老年心理学2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology - Clinical Geropsychology阿拉巴马大学(Tuscaloosa Campu
2020-08-07 外国语言文学文学士-西班牙语2020-08-07 Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages and Literature - Spanish阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 - INTO USA(Birmingham
2020-07-26 航空航天系统工程哲学博士2020-07-26 Doctor of Philosophy in Aerospace Systems Engineering阿拉巴马大学亨茨维尔分校(Huntsville Campus)美国 Huntsville
2020-08-08 环境卫生毒理学公共卫生理学硕士2020-08-08 Master of Science in Public Health in Environmental Health Toxicology阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 - INTO USA(Bi
2020-08-08 营养科学理学硕士-临床研究(饮食实习)/公共卫生硕士2020-08-08 Master of Science in Nutrition Sciences - Clinical Track (Dietetic Internship)/ Mas
2020-08-08 生物医学工程哲学博士-组织工程与再生医学2020-08-08 Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering - Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medi
2020-08-08 材料工程哲学博士(适用于获得硕士学位的学生)2020-08-08 Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Engineering (For students entering with a MS)阿拉巴马大学伯明
2020-07-26 工程学理学硕士-计算机工程2020-07-26 Master of Science in Engineering - Computer Engineering阿拉巴马大学亨茨维尔分校(Huntsville Campus)美国 Huntsvi
2020-08-08 心理学哲学博士/公共卫生科学硕士2020-08-08 Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology/ Master of Science in Public Health阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 - INTO USA(
2020-08-08 生物医学工程哲学博士-生物医学影像2020-08-08 Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering - Biomedical Imaging阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 - INTO USA(Bi