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2020-04-07 经济学哲学博士-宏观经济学和国际经济学2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Economics - Macroeconomics and International Economics马里兰大学帕克分校(Ma
2020-08-03 信息研究哲学博士-数据管理,分析和数字策展2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Information Studies - Data Management, Analysis, and Digital Cur
2020-08-03 应用数学和统计学及科学计算理学硕士-应用统计学(无论文)2020-08-03 Master of Science in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, and Scientific Computati
2020-08-03 城市和区域规划设计哲学博士-城市社区社会发展2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Urban and Regional Planning and Design - Urban Community Social
2020-04-07 土木与环境工程哲学博士-交通运输工程2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering - Transportation Engineering马里兰
2020-04-07 大气和海洋科学哲学博士-碳循环,生态系统和气候2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science - Carbon Cycle, Ecosystem and
2020-08-03 经济学哲学博士-经济史,制度和政治经济学2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Economics - Economic History, Institutions, and Political Economy
2020-07-25 计算热力学和流体动力学学士学位后证书2020-07-25 Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Computational Thermal and Fluid Dynamics马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校(Balti
2020-08-03 信息研究哲学博士-多样性,可及性和包容性2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Information Studies - Diversity, Accessibility, and Inclusivity马里
2020-08-03 大气和海洋科学哲学博士-空气-海洋相互作用和自然海洋学2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science - Air-Sea Interactions and
2020-08-08 生物科学哲学博士-计算生物学,生物信息学和系统生物学2020-08-08 Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences- Computational Biology, Bioinformatics,
2020-08-08 生物科学哲学博士-遗传,生物化学和微生物学2020-08-08 Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences- Genetics, Biochemistry, and Microbiology马里兰
2020-04-07 大气和海洋科学哲学博士-数值天气预报和大气动力学2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science - Numerical Weather Predictio
2020-08-03 地理科学哲学博士-全球变化的人文维度-人与自然系统的耦合2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Geographical Sciences - Human Dimensions of Global Change
2020-04-07 环境科学与技术哲学博士-生态系统健康与自然资源管理2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science and Technology - Ecosystem Health and
2020-08-03 生物科学哲学博士-计算生物学,生物信息学和基因组学2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences - Computational Biology, Bioinformatics,
2020-08-08 生物科学哲学博士-细胞生物学,发育生物学和神经生物学2020-08-08 Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences- Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, a
2020-04-07 地理科学哲学博士-碳,植被动力学和景观尺度过程2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Geographical Sciences - Carbon, Vegetation Dynamics and Landsc
2020-08-03 经济学哲学博士-微观经济学理论,行为经济学,产业组织2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Economics - Microeconomic Theory, Behavioral Economics, Ind
2021-03-24 杜兰大学的商学院是美国建立的最早商学院之一,也是世界公认的优秀商学院之一,近些年随着申请美国杜兰大学商科专业的学生越来越多,该校为国际学生增加了许多优势项目,因此备受关注。接下来为大家介绍:2021年美国杜兰大学金融硕士专业申请条件 杜兰大