IDP为您找到相关结果约 184964个
2020-04-07 运动学学士-体育活动,运动与健康领导力教育2020-04-07 Bachelor of Kinesiology - Leadership Education for Physical Activity, Sport, and Health不
2020-06-25 国际酒店,活动和旅游一年级(标准)[格洛斯特郡大学]2020-06-25 International Year One in Hospitality, Events and Tourism (Standard) [University of
2020-08-10 运动科学哲学博士-体育活动2020-08-10 Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Science- Physical Activity内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校(UNO)美国 Omaha雅思分数 预定考试6.5
2020-07-04 预科课程(荣誉)理学士(身体活动,体育和健康)2020-07-04 BSc (Honours) Physical Activity, Sport and Health with Foundation Year谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学(Colleg
2020-04-07 教育科学学士-体育,运动与体育活动2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Education - Physical Education, Sport, and Physical Activity俄亥俄州立大学哥伦
2020-08-10 健康,体育与娱乐理学硕士-健康促进体育活动2020-08-10 Master of Science in Health, Physical Education and Recreation- Physical Activity in Hea
2020-08-10 健康,体育与娱乐文学硕士-健康促进体育活动2020-08-10 Master of Arts in Health, Physical Education and Recreation- Physical Activity in Health
2020-08-12 体育与运动科学哲学博士-体育与体育活动的领导2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Sport and Exercise Science - Physical Education and Physical Ac
2020-07-27 社区娱乐和活动策划理学学士2020-07-27 Bachelor of Science in Community Recreation and Event Planning北卡罗来纳大学格林斯伯勒分校(Greensboro Campus)美
2020-07-26 运动学理学硕士-社会运动学(体育活动和公共卫生)2020-07-26 Master of Science in Kinesiology - Psychosocial Kinesiology (Physical Activity and Pu
2020-07-22 运动机能学理学硕士-运动和体育活动的社会心理方面2020-07-22 Master of Science in Kinesiology - Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Physical Activit
2020-07-30 流行病学公共卫生博士-预防,生活方式和体育活动流行病学2020-07-30 Doctor of Public Health in Epidemiology - Prevention, Lifestyle and Physical Activ
2020-06-11 应用科学学士(体育活动与健康促进)2020-06-11 Bachelor of Applied Science (Physical Activity and Health Promotion)Ara坎特伯雷理工学院(Madras Stree
2020-08-09 运动学理学硕士-教育学和体育活动2020-08-09 Master of Science in Kinesiology - Pedagogy and Physical Activity加利福尼亚州立大学洛杉矶分校(Downtown Cal
2020-04-07 运动机能艺术,运动与休闲艺术硕士(基于论文)-适应性体育活动2020-04-07 Master of Arts in Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation (Thesis-Based) - Adapted P
2020-07-26 运动学哲学博士-心理社会运动学(适应性体育活动)2020-07-26 Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology - Psychosocial Kinesiology (Adapted Physical Acti
2020-08-12 运动学心理学博士-体育活动心理学2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology- Psychology of Physical Activity宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Mai
2020-07-26 体育与运动科学理学硕士-体育与体育活动的社会心理学2020-07-26 Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Science - Social Psychology of Sport and Phy
2020-07-30 流行病学哲学博士-预防,生活方式和体育活动流行病学2020-07-30 Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology - Prevention, Lifestyle and Physical Activity E
2020-07-26 运动机能学博士-心理社会运动学(体育活动和公共卫生)2020-07-26 Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology - Psychosocial Kinesiology (Physical Activity a