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2020-07-18 新媒体和数字设计文学学士学位2020-07-18 Bachelor of Arts in New Media and Digital Design福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Campus)美国 New York雅思分数 预定
2020-04-07 学校心理学哲学博士2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in School Psychology福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Campus)美国 New York雅思分数 预定考试7.0开学日期202
2020-07-26 数字技术和新兴媒体文学士学位2020-07-26 Bachelor of Arts in Digital Technologies and Emerging Media福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Campus)美国 New
2020-04-07 生物科学理学学士2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Campus)美国 New York雅思分数 预定考试7.0开学日期202
2020-04-07 宗教教育文学硕士-青年和青年成人部2020-04-07 Master of Arts in Religious Education - Youth and Young Adult Ministry福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center
2020-07-22 文理科学士/教学理学硕士2020-07-22 Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Science / Master of Science in Teaching福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center
2020-08-03 神学哲学博士-基督教历史2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Theology - History of Christianity福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Campus)美国 New Yor
2020-08-03 神学哲学博士-古代基督教2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Theology - Christianity in Antiquity福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Campus)美国 New Y
2020-08-11 信息系统文学士-数字业务创新2020-08-11 Bachelor of Arts in Information Systems - Digital Business Innovation福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Camp
2020-07-26 教学理学硕士-青春期教育(数学)2020-07-26 Master of Science in Teaching - Adolescence Education (Mathematics)福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Camp
2020-07-22 生物科学哲学博士2020-07-22 Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Campus)美国 New York雅思分数 预定考试6.0开学日期20
2020-07-22 教学理学硕士-青春期教育(特殊教育)[通才]2020-07-22 Master of Science in Teaching - Adolescence Education (Special Education) [Generalist]福
2020-07-08 非洲和非裔美国人研究文学学士学位2020-07-08 Bachelor of Arts in African and African American Studies福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Campus)美国 New Y
2020-04-07 金融计量经济学和数据分析高级证书2020-04-07 Advanced Certificate in Financial Econometrics and Data Analysis福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Campus)
2020-08-03 学校心理学高级证书及双语扩展2020-08-03 Advanced Certificate in School Psychology with Bilingual Extension福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Campus)
2020-07-08 生物科学理学硕士-生物学2020-07-08 Master of Science in Biological Sciences - Cell and Molecular Biology福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Campus
2020-04-07 临床心理学哲学博士-儿童与家庭2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology - Child and Family福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Campus)美国
2020-04-07 临床心理学哲学博士-法医心理学2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology - Forensic Psychology福特汉姆大学(Lincoln Center Campus)
2020-08-11 信息系统工商管理学士-数字媒体和技术2020-08-11 Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Systems - Digital Media and Technology福特
2020-04-07 教育科学硕士-行政和监督[教学楼领导]2020-04-07 Master of Science in Education - Administration and Supervision [School Building Leadershi