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2020-06-29 拥有一年工业硕士学位的物联网2020-06-29 The Internet of Things with a Year in Industry MSc伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院(Egham Campus)英国 Egham雅思分数 预定考试6.5
2020-08-01 文学学士/教学硕士学位:历史与非洲研究2020-08-01 Bachelor of Arts/Master of Arts in Teaching: History and Africana Studies纽约州立大学石溪分校(Main C
2020-07-29 历史学学士学位,具有中学教师证书的硕士学位课程2020-07-29 Bachelor of Arts in History with Master’s Level Coursework for Secondary Teacher Cer
2020-07-29 物理学学士学位,具有中学教师证书的硕士学位课程2020-07-29 Bachelor of Arts in Physics with Master’s Level Coursework for Secondary Teacher Cer
2020-07-28 工程理学学士学位(工程学科)/工业和系统工程理学硕士学位2020-07-28 Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Engineering Discipline) / Master of Science i
2020-05-07 应用科学学士学位和饮食实践硕士学位-Navitas-拉筹伯大学2020-05-07 Bachelor of Applied Science and Master of Dietetic Practice - Navitas - La Tro
2020-07-20 土木工程专业硕士学位2020-07-20 Professional Master's Degree in Civil Engineering阿拉巴马大学亨茨维尔分校(Huntsville Campus)美国 Huntsville雅思分数 预
2020-05-07 硕士学位(研究)工程(MPhil)-生物医学工程2020-05-07 Masters Degree (Research) Engineering (MPhil) - Biomedical Engineering新南威尔士大学(Canberr
2020-07-01 会计与商业金融学(荣誉)硕士学位-马来西亚校园2020-07-01 MA (Hons) Accounting and Business Finance - Malaysia Campus赫瑞瓦特大学(Malaysia)英国 Putrajay
2020-04-07 伊比利亚和拉丁美洲文化的副学士和硕士学位2020-04-07 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's in Iberian and Latin American Cultures斯坦福大学(Stanford)美
2020-06-29 一年制电子和计算机工程(荣誉)硕士学位2020-06-29 MEng (Hons) Electronics and Computer Engineering with a Year in Industry谢菲尔德大学(Sheffield M
2020-06-22 拥有一年工业科学(荣誉)理学硕士学位2020-06-22 MSci (Hons) Geoscience with a Year in Industry伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院(Egham Campus)英国 Egham雅思分数 预定考试6.5
2020-08-01 联合实验室动物科学学士和硕士学位2020-08-01 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's in Laboratory Animal Science斯坦福大学(Stanford)美国 Stanford雅思分数
2020-07-29 政治学文学学士学位,具有中学教师认证的硕士学位课程2020-07-29 Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with Master’s Level Coursework for Secondary
2020-07-05 一年制化学(荣誉)理学硕士学位2020-07-05 MSci (Hons) Chemistry with a Year in Industry贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen's campus)英国 Northern Ireland雅思分数
2020-08-10 风险管理和保险理学学士/工商管理硕士学位-Queens Campus2020-08-10 Bachelor of Science in Risk Management and Insurance / Master of Business A
2020-08-10 风险管理和保险理学学士/工商管理硕士学位-曼哈顿校区2020-08-10 Bachelor of Science in Risk Management and Insurance / Master of Business Administr
2020-06-24 一年制环境科学(荣誉)理学硕士学位2020-06-24 MSci (Hons) Environmental Geoscience with a Year in Industry伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院(Egham Campus)英国 Egha
2020-06-23 工学学士(荣誉)理学硕士学位(计算机科学)2020-06-23 MSci (Hons) Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) with Year in Industry伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院(
2020-07-23 联合终端环境系统工程学士和硕士学位2020-07-23 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's in Environmental Systems Engineering斯坦福大学(Stanford)美国 St