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2020-04-07 幼儿教育(连续文凭/学位)2020-04-07 Early Childhood Education (Consecutive Diploma / Degree)乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Performing A
2020-04-07 安大略省社区工作者学院文凭2020-04-07 Ontario College Diploma in Community Worker乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Performing Arts)加拿大 Toron
2020-04-07 安大略学院计算机系统技术高级文凭2020-04-07 Ontario College Advanced Diploma in Computer Systems Technology乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Pe
2020-04-07 荣誉技术学士学位(建筑管理)2020-04-07 Honours Bachelor of Technology (Construction Management)乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Performing
2020-04-07 安大略大学烹饪技能证书(预备培训)2020-04-07 Ontario College Certificate in Culinary Skills (Preparatory Training)乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for
2020-04-07 安大略大学游戏高级文凭-编程2020-04-07 Ontario College Advanced Diploma in Game - Programming乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Performing Ar
2020-04-07 安大略大学珠宝方法文凭2020-04-07 Ontario College Diploma in Jewellery Methods乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Performing Arts)加拿大 Toront
2020-06-07 安大略大学特殊活动管理文凭2020-06-07 Ontario College Diploma in Special Event Management乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Performing Arts)加
2020-04-07 安大略大学法国高级糕点学院研究生证书2020-04-07 Ontario College Graduate Certificate in Advanced French Patisserie乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for t
2022-02-15 乔治亚学院是加拿大的公立学院,共有三个校区,有着十分雄厚的师资力量,位于贝瑞市的主校园,距离多伦多仅90公里,交通便利,环境优美,学校开设的专业课程很多,每个专业都有自己的研究方向与特色,留学费用与申请条件也有所不同,那么接下来小编就带着大
2020-04-07 安大略大学健身与健康促进文凭2020-04-07 Ontario College Diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Performing A
2020-04-07 安大略大学牙科专业高级文凭2020-04-07 Ontario College Advanced Diploma in Denturism乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Performing Arts)加拿大 Tor
2020-04-07 安大略大学普通艺术与科学证书2020-04-07 Ontario College Certificate in General Arts and Science乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Performing A
2020-04-07 安大略大学游戏高级文凭-艺术2020-04-07 Ontario College Advanced Diploma in Game - Art乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Performing Arts)加拿大 T
2022-12-29 乔治亚学院成立于1967年,拥有贝瑞、奥里利亚和欧文桑德等三个校园,师资力量很雄厚,校园环境也非常优美,建校时间虽然只有短短的数十年,但是教学水准与科研实力还是很不错的,是不少学生青睐的学院,那么接下来小编就带着大家一起来了解下加拿大乔治亚
2020-04-07 安大略大学社区前服务证书2020-04-07 Ontario College Certificate in Pre-Community Services乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Performing Arts)
2020-04-07 安大略大学机械技术证书(快速通道)2020-04-07 Ontario College Certificate in Mechanical Techniques (Fast-Track)乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the
2020-04-07 安大略大学儿童与青年关怀高级文凭2020-04-07 Ontario College Advanced Diploma in Child and Youth Care乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Performin
2020-06-06 安大略大学酒店服务证书(预招待)2020-06-06 Ontario College Certificate in Hospitality Services (Pre-Hospitality)乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for
2020-06-06 安大略大学工商管理高级文凭2020-06-06 Ontario College Advanced Diploma in Business Administration乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for the Performin