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2020-06-02 理学学士/商业学士-野生生物生物学2020-06-02 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Commerce -Wildlife Biology格里菲斯大学(Distance Education)澳大利亚 Off
2020-05-29 商科学士/亚洲研究学士-物流与供应链管理2020-05-29 Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Asian Studies - Logistics and Supply Chain Management格里菲
2020-06-02 综合水管理研究生文凭-GDip Int Water Mgt2020-06-02 Graduate Diploma of Integrated Water Management - GDip Int Water Mgt格里菲斯大学(Dista
2020-04-20 环境工程与污染控制硕士-环境工程与污染控制2020-04-20 Master of Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control - M Envt Eng and Pollution Con
2023-08-09 由于国家的全面放开,旅游行业迎来了新一波的浪潮,全球的旅游行业逐渐复苏,这也带动了周边酒店产业的兴盛,酒店管理人才一直是非常紧缺性的人才,特别是在澳洲,酒店管理专业稳居移民前列,且澳洲各个大学都在积极培养酒店管理人才,其中最出色的就是格里菲
2020-05-07 荣誉工程学士/理学学士-物理学-内森校园2020-05-07 Bachelor of Engineering with Honours/Bachelor of Science - Physics - Nathan Campus格里菲斯大学澳
2020-05-07 心理科学学士/商科学士-B心理科学2020-05-07 Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Business - B Psychological Science格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思
2020-04-23 荣誉法学士/心理学学士-B心理学2020-04-23 Bachelor of Laws with Honours/Bachelor of Psychological Science-B Psych Science格里菲斯大学(Distanc
2020-06-02 环境科学学士/数据科学学士-城市环境2020-06-02 Bachelor of Environmental Science/Bachelor of Data Science - Urban Environments格里菲斯大学(Dista
2020-04-27 教育学学士-小学-Navitas Griffith大学(黄金海岸)2020-04-27 Bachelor of Education - Primary -Navitas Griffith University (Gold Coast)格里菲
2020-06-02 工学学士(荣誉学位)/信息技术学士-机械工程2020-06-02 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Information Technology - Mechanical Engin
2020-04-08 医学检验科学学士-B医学检验科学2020-04-08 Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science-B Medical Laboratory Science格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试7.0课程时长
2020-05-26 职业治疗(荣誉)学士学位-职业治疗(荣誉)B(HTHPP12)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) - B Occupational Therapy (Hons) (HT
2020-04-27 城市与环境规划荣誉学士-城市与环境规划荣誉B2020-04-27 Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning with Honours - B Urban and Env Planning Ho
2020-04-23 荣誉法学士/金融金融学士(黄金海岸)2020-04-23 Bachelor of Laws with Honours/Bachelor of Commerce-Finance (Gold Coast)格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试7
2020-05-07 理学学士/商科学士-地理-弥敦道校区2020-05-07 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business - Geography-Nathan Campus格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试6.5课程时
2020-06-02 理学学士/数据科学学士-物理学2020-06-02 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Data Science - Physics格里菲斯大学(Distance Education)澳大利亚 Off-campu
2020-05-26 牙科技术学士/牙科修复学学士-B Dent Prosthetics2020-05-26 Bachelor of Dental Technology/Bachelor of Dental Prosthetics - B Dent Prosth
2020-06-02 环境科学学士/数据科学学士-生态与保护2020-06-02 Bachelor of Environmental Science/Bachelor of Data Science - Ecology and Conservation格里菲斯大
2020-05-07 环境科学学士-环境管理-弥敦道校区2020-05-07 Bachelor of Environmental Science - Environmental Management - Nathan Campus格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预