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2020-04-20 幼儿教育和护理三级证书2020-04-20 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care堪培拉理工学院(Academy of Interactive Entertainment
2020-07-24 教育理学硕士-幼儿教育中的残疾学生老师(2年级出生)[30学分选择]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education - Teacher of Students with Disabilities in E
2020-07-24 教育科学硕士-幼儿教育中的残疾学生的老师(1至6年级)[选项A]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education - Teacher of Students with Disabilities in Chi
2020-04-20 幼儿教育与照护文凭2020-04-20 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and CareMEGT(Australia)Ltd-新南威尔士州(Melbourne City Campus)澳大利亚 Me
2020-04-07 大学研究文凭-幼儿教育(蒙特利尔)2020-04-07 Diploma of College Studies - Early Childhood Education (Montreal)拉萨尔学院(Renfrew Campus (Vanco
2020-06-13 国际幼儿教育文凭(5级)2020-06-13 International Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Level 5)马努考理工学院(New Zealand Maritime School)新
2020-08-06 幼儿教育文学学士学位2020-08-06 Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education萨吉诺谷州立大学(Main Campus)美国 University Center雅思分数 预定考试5.5开
2020-04-07 家庭和儿童研究理学学士-幼儿教育与发展2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Family and Child Studies - Early Childhood Education and Developmen
2020-04-07 安大略省幼儿教育大专文凭(快速课程)2020-04-07 Ontario College Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Fast-Track)乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for th
2020-04-07 幼儿教育哲学博士2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Early Childhood Education东田纳西州立大学(Main Campus)美国 Johnson City雅思分数 预定考试0.0开学日期
2020-08-07 幼儿教育的研究生途径2020-08-07 Graduate Pathway in Early Childhood Education阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 - INTO USA(Birmingham)美国 Birmingham雅思分数 预定
2020-06-10 文学士(幼儿教育)8级2020-06-10 BA (Early Childhood Education) Level 8都柏林理工学院(DIT Kevin Street)爱尔兰 Dublin 2雅思分数 预定考试6.0开学日期2021/9课
2020-06-10 新西兰幼儿教育和护理文凭(5级)2020-06-10 New Zealand Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5)国立中部理工学院(Windermere Campus
2020-06-06 幼儿教育与照护文凭2020-06-06 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and CareMEGT(Australia)Ltd-新南威尔士州澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试0.0课程时长103周| 课程简介
2020-07-26 成绩证书-国家短期幼儿教育专业证书-一般2020-07-26 Certificate of Accomplishment - State Short Early Childhood Education Certificate of Spec
2020-04-07 安大略省幼儿教育大专文凭(加速课程)2020-04-07 Ontario College Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Accelerated)乔治布朗学院(Young Centre for t
2023-03-03 随着人们生活节奏加快,忙于上班的家长们选择将孩子送到更专业的幼儿教育和看护场所。在这样的趋势下,也就促成了学前教育行业的红火。学前教育专业也变得愈发的受欢迎了,申请学前教育专业的人也有了明显的增加,据了解,每年还有一些人选择了出国读学前教育
2020-07-26 教育科学硕士-幼儿教育中的残疾学生老师(2年级出生)[33个学分]2020-07-26 Master of Science in Education - Teacher of Students with Disabilities in Ea
2020-07-24 教育科学硕士-幼儿教育中的残疾学生的老师(1至6年级)[选项B]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education - Teacher of Students with Disabilities in Chi
2020-07-24 幼儿教育老师(1至6年级)理学硕士-数学[方案B]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education in Childhood Education Teacher (Grades 1 to 6) - Math