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2020-04-07 野生动物与渔业科学学士学位-野生动物科学2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Fisheries Science - Wildlife Science田纳西理工大学(Main Camp
2020-04-07 物理学哲学博士-天体物理学和粒子天体物理学2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics- Astrophysics and Particle Astrophysics密西根理工大学(Main Camp
2020-07-24 特殊教育科学学士学位-干预史,6-12岁2020-07-24 Bachelor of Science in Special Education - Interventionist History, 6-12田纳西理工大学(Main Camp
2020-07-24 幼儿教育科学学士-幼儿/特殊教育PreK-32020-07-24 Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education- Early Childhood/Special Education Pre
2020-08-03 工业和系统工程哲学博士-系统和产品设计的人为因素2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosoophy in Industrial and Systems Engineering- Human Factors of Systems
2020-08-03 工业和系统工程哲学博士学位-职业人体工程学与安全2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosoophy in Industrial and Systems Engineering- Occupational Ergonomics
2020-04-07 工学学士学位(化学工程)(荣誉学位)/商学学士学位(管理)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) (Honours) / Bachelor of Business
2020-04-20 工学学士学位(化学工程)(荣誉学位)/商学学士学位(管理)2020-04-20 Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering)(Honours) /Bachelor of Business (M
2020-04-07 人体工学健康科学荣誉学位-职业治疗助理(OTA)和物理治疗助理(PTA)(预录入)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) in Kinesiology - Occupational T
2020-04-07 工学学士学位(汽车工程)(荣誉学位)/工业设计学士学位(荣誉)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Automotive Engineering) (Honours) / Bachelor Industri
2020-04-20 工学学士学位(化学工程)(荣誉学位)/理学学士学位(生物技术)2020-04-20 Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) (Honours) / Bachelor of Science
2020-04-20 理学学士学位(食品技术与营养)/工学学士学位(化学工程)(荣誉学位)2020-04-20 Bachelor of Science (Food Technology and Nutrition) / Bachelor of Engineeri
2020-04-20 工学学士学位(机械工程)(荣誉学位)/理学学士学位(生物技术)2020-04-20 Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) (Honours) / Bachelor of Scien
2020-04-07 工学学士学位(航空航天工程)(荣誉学位)/商学学士学位(管理)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Aerospace Engineering) (Honours) / Bachelor of Busine
2020-04-07 工学学士学位(化学工程)(荣誉学位)/理学学士学位(生物技术)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Engineering(Chemical Engineering) (Honours) / Bachelor of Science
2020-04-20 工学学士学位(计算机和网络工程)(荣誉学位)/商学学士学位(管理)2020-04-20 Bachelor of Engineering (Computer and Network Engineering) (Honours) / Bache
2020-04-07 工学学士学位(高级制造和机电一体化)/商学学士学位(国际商业)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics) / Bachelor o
2020-04-20 工学学士学位(计算机和网络工程)(荣誉学位)/计算机科学学士学位2020-04-20 Bachelor of Engineering (Computer and Network Engineering) (Honours) / Bachel
2020-04-09 工学学士(计算机和网络工程)(荣誉学位)/计算机科学学士学位2020-04-09 Bachelor of Engineering(Computer and Network Engineering) (Honours) / Bachelor
2020-04-07 工学学士学位(高级制造和机电一体化)(荣誉)/商科学士学位(国际商务)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics)(Hons) /