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2020-04-07 美发三级证书(黄金海岸和布里斯班)2020-04-07 Certificate III in Hairdressing (Gold Coast and Brisbane)Academies Australasia(Academies Aus
2020-04-27 理学学士-地理(黄金海岸校区)2020-04-27 Bachelor of Science - Geography(Gold Coast Campus)格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试6.5课程时长3年| 课程简介您将获得生物学,临床
2020-06-03 国际旅游和酒店管理硕士(南岸和黄金海岸)2020-06-03 Master of International Tourism and Hospitality Management (Southbank & Gold Coast)格里菲斯学院
2020-05-26 中学教育-黄金海岸Navitas-格里菲斯大学2020-05-26 Bachelor of Secondary Education - Gold Coast Navitas - Griffith University格里菲斯学院(Navit
2020-04-23 荣誉法学士/商业会计学士学位(黄金海岸)2020-04-23 Bachelor of Laws with Honours/Bachelor of Commerce-Accounting (Gold Coast)格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数
2020-04-27 教育学学士-小学-Navitas Griffith大学(黄金海岸)2020-04-27 Bachelor of Education - Primary -Navitas Griffith University (Gold Coast)格里菲
2020-04-23 荣誉法学士/金融金融学士(黄金海岸)2020-04-23 Bachelor of Laws with Honours/Bachelor of Commerce-Finance (Gold Coast)格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试7
2020-04-20 商学学士/国际商务学士_物流与供应链管理-黄金海岸2020-04-20 Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of International Business_Logistics and Supply Chain M
2020-04-08 荣誉心理学学士-心理学(黄金海岸)2020-04-08 Bachelor of Psychology with Honours - Psychology (Gold Coast)格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试6.5课程时长4年| 课
2020-04-24 信息技术学士学位-网络与安全-黄金海岸校区2020-04-24 Bachelor of Information Technology-Networks and Security-Gold Coast Campus格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数
2020-06-03 土木工程硕士/工程项目管理硕士-黄金海岸2020-06-03 Master of Civil Engineering/Master of Engineering Project Management - Gold Coast格里菲斯学院澳大
2020-04-27 纳维塔斯·格里菲斯大学(黄金海岸)健康理科文凭2020-04-27 Diploma of Health Sciences -Navitas Griffith University (Gold Coast)格里菲斯学院(Navitas Gri
2020-05-07 荣誉工程学士/环境科学学士-城市环境(黄金海岸)2020-05-07 Bachelor of Engineering with Honours/Bachelor of Environmental Science - Urban Enviro
2020-04-23 荣誉法学学士/黄金海岸商业金融规划学士2020-04-23 Bachelor of Laws with Honours/Bachelor of Commerce-Financial Planning Gold Coast)格里菲斯大学澳大利
2020-05-07 法律学士/商业学士-物流与供应链管理(黄金海岸)2020-05-07 Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Management(Gold Co
2020-05-07 荣誉工程学士/理学学士-机械工程(黄金海岸)2020-05-07 Bachelor of Engineering with Honours/Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering (Gold
2020-05-07 心理科学学士/商业学士-物流与供应链管理(黄金海岸)2020-05-07 Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Chain
2020-05-26 理学学士-计算科学与物理学之路Navitas Griffith大学(黄金海岸)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Science - Pathway into Computational Science and Physics N
2020-06-04 商科文凭-纳维塔斯·格里菲斯大学(黄金海岸)2020-06-04 Diploma of Commerce - Navitas Griffith University (Gold Coast)格里菲斯学院澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试0.0课程时
2020-05-07 荣誉工程学士/理学学士-土木工程(黄金海岸)2020-05-07 Bachelor of Engineering with Honours/Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering (Gold Coas