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2020-05-26 职业治疗(荣誉)学士学位-职业治疗(荣誉)B(HTHPP12)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) - B Occupational Therapy (Hons) (HT
2020-04-27 城市与环境规划荣誉学士-城市与环境规划荣誉B2020-04-27 Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning with Honours - B Urban and Env Planning Ho
2020-04-23 荣誉法学士/金融金融学士(黄金海岸)2020-04-23 Bachelor of Laws with Honours/Bachelor of Commerce-Finance (Gold Coast)格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试7
2023-07-27 在全球就业形势不容乐观的情况下,有这么一门职业就业前景普遍看好,这门职业就是药剂师,各大医药公司、制药厂都高薪招聘药物研发与开发人员,药剂学专业也一直是就业前景可观的学科,谈到药剂学专业,那不得不提格里菲斯大学,它是世界上第一个药学教育虚拟
2020-05-07 理学学士/商科学士-地理-弥敦道校区2020-05-07 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business - Geography-Nathan Campus格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试6.5课程时
2020-06-02 理学学士/数据科学学士-物理学2020-06-02 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Data Science - Physics格里菲斯大学(Distance Education)澳大利亚 Off-campu
2020-05-26 牙科技术学士/牙科修复学学士-B Dent Prosthetics2020-05-26 Bachelor of Dental Technology/Bachelor of Dental Prosthetics - B Dent Prosth
2020-06-02 环境科学学士/数据科学学士-生态与保护2020-06-02 Bachelor of Environmental Science/Bachelor of Data Science - Ecology and Conservation格里菲斯大
2020-05-07 环境科学学士-环境管理-弥敦道校区2020-05-07 Bachelor of Environmental Science - Environmental Management - Nathan Campus格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预
2020-05-26 商科学士(荣誉学位)-财务和财务计划(GBSSPFFP1)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) - Finance and Financial Planning (GBSSPFFP1)格里菲斯大
2020-06-02 工学学士(荣誉学位)/商科学士-机械工程2020-06-02 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business - Mechanical Engineering格里菲斯大学(Dis
2020-05-07 荣誉工程学士/环境科学学士-环境工程2020-05-07 Bachelor of Engineering with Honours/Bachelor of Environmental Science - Environmental Engi
2020-05-07 信息技术学士/商业学士-信息系统-内森校园2020-05-07 Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Business - Information Systems-Nathan Cam
2020-05-26 公共卫生学士-B公共卫生(MEDPP6)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Public Health - B Public Health (MEDPP6)格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试6.5课程时长3年| 课程简介您将学
2020-05-07 环境科学学士-城市环境-弥敦道校园2020-05-07 Bachelor of Environmental Science - Urban Environments - Nathan Campus格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试6.5
2020-06-02 工学学士(荣誉学位)/商科学士-B Engineering Hons2020-06-02 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business - B Engineering Hons
2020-04-20 法学学士/商科学士-物流与供应链管理2020-04-20 Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Management格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数
2020-06-02 商科学士/心理学学士-B心理学2020-06-02 Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Psychological Science - B Psychological Science格里菲斯大学(Distanc
2020-05-07 心理科学学士/商业学士-物流与供应链管理2020-05-07 Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Manag
2020-06-02 建筑管理(荣誉)学士学位-B建筑管理(荣誉)2020-06-02 Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) - B Construction Mgt (Hons)格里菲斯大学(Distanc