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2020-04-27 信息技术学士-纳维塔斯·格里菲斯大学(1539)2020-04-27 Bachelor of Information Technology - Navitas Griffith University (1539)格里菲斯学院(Navitas
2020-05-26 纳维塔斯·格里菲斯大学教育学士(洛根)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Education Navitas Griffith University (Logan)格里菲斯学院(Navitas Griffith Universit
2020-05-26 纳维塔斯大学工程技术学士-格里菲斯大学2020-05-26 Bachelor of Engineering Technology Navitas - Griffith University格里菲斯学院(Navitas Griffith Un
2020-05-07 带有商业烹饪IV级证书的酒店管理文凭[墨尔本]2020-05-07 Diploma of Hospitality Management Packaged with Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery [
2020-06-01 纳维塔斯·格里菲斯大学(荣誉)心理学学士(1014)2020-06-01 Bachelor of Psychology with Honours Navitas Griffith University (Gold Coast) (1014)
2020-04-27 纳维塔斯·格里菲斯大学(内森)城市与环境规划学士2020-04-27 Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning -Navitas Griffith University (Nathan)格里菲
2020-04-27 信息技术学士-纳维塔斯·格里菲斯大学(内森)2020-04-27 Bachelor of Information Technology -Navitas Griffith University (Nathan)格里菲斯学院(Navitas
2020-06-05 带有商业烹饪IV级证书的酒店管理文凭[悉尼]2020-06-05 Diploma of Hospitality Management Packaged with Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery [S
2020-05-07 酒店管理高级文凭,并附有IV级证书(悉尼)[悉尼]2020-05-07 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management Packaged with Certificate IV in Patisseri
2020-05-26 纳维塔斯大学工程技术学士-格里菲斯大学(1319)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Engineering Technology Navitas - Griffith University (1319)格里菲斯学院(Navita
2020-05-26 商学学士-纳维塔斯·格里菲斯大学(黄金海岸)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Commerce - Navitas Griffith University (Gold Coast)格里菲斯学院(Navitas Griffith
2020-06-04 商科文凭-纳维塔斯·格里菲斯大学(黄金海岸)2020-06-04 Diploma of Commerce - Navitas Griffith University (Gold Coast)格里菲斯学院澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试0.0课程时
2020-05-26 纳维塔斯·格里菲斯大学(内森)信息技术学士(1109)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Information Technology Navitas Griffith University (Nathan) (1109)格里菲斯
2020-05-26 纳维塔斯·格里菲斯大学教育学学士(格拉瓦特山)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Education Navitas Griffith University (Mt Gravatt)格里菲斯学院(Navitas Griffith
2020-05-26 纳维塔斯·格里菲斯大学(Nathan)航空管理学士2020-05-26 Bachelor of Aviation Management Navitas Griffith University (Nathan)格里菲斯学院(Navitas G
2020-05-07 酒店管理高级文凭,并附有IV级证书(墨尔本)[墨尔本]2020-05-07 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management Packaged with Certificate IV in Patisse
2020-04-26 教学/艺术纳维塔斯大学-阿德莱德大学2020-04-26 Bachelor of Teaching / Arts Navitas - The University of Adelaide埃因斯伯里学院澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试7.0课程时长
2020-06-05 旅游学士学位,包含旅游和旅游管理文凭[墨尔本]2020-06-05 Bachelor of Tourism Packaged with Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management [Melbourne]
2020-05-07 酒店管理高级文凭,附带商业烹饪四级证书[悉尼]2020-05-07 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management Packaged with Certificate IV in Commercial
2020-05-07 酒店管理高级文凭,附有商业烹饪四级证书[墨尔本]2020-05-07 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management Packaged with Certificate IV in Commercial