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2020-05-29 学术健康实践研究生证书-学术健康实践研究生证书2020-05-29 Graduate Certificate in Academic Health Practice - Graduate Certificate in Academic He
2020-05-26 工程研究研究研究生文凭-GDip Res Studies Eng(ENGPP53)2020-05-26 Graduate Diploma of Research Studies in Engineering - GDip Res Studi
2020-04-08 荣誉心理学学士-心理学(黄金海岸)2020-04-08 Bachelor of Psychology with Honours - Psychology (Gold Coast)格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试6.5课程时长4年| 课
2020-04-27 心理科学学士/商学士Navitas Griffith University(Mt Gravatt)2020-04-27 Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Business Navit
2020-06-03 信息系统硕士/供应链管理硕士(内森和南岸)2020-06-03 Master of Information Systems/Master of Supply Chain Management (Nathan & South Bank)格里菲
2020-05-07 荣誉工程学士/理学学士-机械工程(黄金海岸)2020-05-07 Bachelor of Engineering with Honours/Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering (Gold
2020-05-26 牙科技术学士/牙科修复学学士-B Dent Tech(DOHPP17)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Dental Technology/Bachelor of Dental Prosthetics - B Dent Tech
2020-05-07 荣誉工程学士/商科学士-土木工程-弥敦道校区2020-05-07 Bachelor of Engineering with Honours/Bachelor of Business - Civil Engineering - Nathan
2020-05-07 荣誉工程学士/信息技术学士-土木工程-弥敦校区2020-05-07 Bachelor of Engineering with Honours/Bachelor of Information Technology - Civil Engine
2020-05-26 环境科学学士/商业学士-物流与供应链管理(GBSMAJLS22)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Environmental Science/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply
2020-05-07 理学学士/商业学士-商业(适用于选择不修读专业的学生)2020-05-07 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business - Business (for students electing to not
2020-04-20 运动科学学士/心理学学士-B心理学2020-04-20 Bachelor of Exercise Science/Bachelor of Psychological Science - B Psychological Science格里菲斯
2020-06-02 信息技术学士-信息技术(适用于选择不修读专业的学生)2020-06-02 Bachelor of Information Technology - Information Technology (for students electing
2020-04-07 商学副学士学位(国际旅游和酒店管理专业,面向国际学生)2020-04-07 Associate Degree in Commerce & Business (International Tourism and Hotel Managemen
2020-05-26 商学副学士学位(澳大利亚学生会计专业)(ADAL)2020-05-26 Associate Degree in Commerce & Business (Accounting major for Australian students) (
2020-04-27 文学士/商业学士-物流与供应链管理-弥敦道校区2020-04-27 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Nathan
2020-04-23 荣誉法学士/商业会计学士学位(黄金海岸)2020-04-23 Bachelor of Laws with Honours/Bachelor of Commerce-Accounting (Gold Coast)格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数
2023-09-18 作为一所具有创新精神和前瞻思想的学府,格里菲斯大学不仅商科教育出色,其医学教育也享誉世界,开设的医学课程十分全面,涉及医学领域的方方面面,因此,越来越多的学生去格里菲斯大学医学院留学,那么,问题来了,澳洲格里菲斯大学医学院本科申请条件高吗?
2023-10-08 在澳洲,除了RMIT之外,还有一些澳洲大学艺术教育也十分出色,格里菲斯大学就是其中之一,该校拥有着昆士兰州历史最悠久的艺术学院以及规模最大的摄影系,因此,想从事艺术行业,格里菲斯大学艺术专业不容错过,那么,问题来了,格里菲斯大学艺术本科专业
2020-06-03 电子与计算机工程学硕士/电子与体育工程学硕士-Nathan2020-06-03 Master of Electronic and Computer Engineering/Master of Electronic and Sport Eng