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2020-04-07 工学学士(荣誉学位)商业学士-机械工程学2020-04-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business - Mechanical Engineering悉尼科技大学澳大利亚
2020-04-15 工学学士(荣誉学位)理学学士-机电工程2020-04-15 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science - Mechatronic Engineering悉尼科技大学澳大利亚雅
2020-04-15 工学学士(荣誉学位)商业学士-土木工程学2020-04-15 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business - Civil Engineering悉尼科技大学澳大利亚雅思分数
2020-04-15 工学学士(荣誉学位)理学学士-土木工程学2020-04-15 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering悉尼科技大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预
2020-05-07 工学士(荣誉学位)医学科学士学位-软件工程2020-05-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science - Software Engineering悉尼科技
2020-05-29 建筑学法学学士/荣誉工程学学士2020-05-29 Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Architectural斯威本科技大学(Sarawak Campus)澳大
2020-04-07 工学学士(荣誉学位)理学学士-机械工程学2020-04-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering悉尼科技大学澳大利亚雅
2020-04-07 建筑工程技术与管理理学学士/建筑学硕士2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering Technology and Management / Master of Arch
2020-05-29 民事法律专业学士学位/荣誉工程学士学位2020-05-29 Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil斯威本科技大学(Sarawak Campus)澳大利亚 K
2020-05-07 工学学士(荣誉学位)国际研究学士学位-软件工程2020-05-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies - Software
2020-04-15 工学士(荣誉学位)医学科学士学位-机电工程2020-04-15 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science - Mechatronic Engineering悉
2020-04-15 工学学士(荣誉学位)国际研究学士学位-机电工程2020-04-15 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies - Mechatro
2020-04-15 工学学士(荣誉学位)国际研究学士学位-电机工程2020-04-15 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies - Electric
2020-04-07 工学学士(荣誉学位)医学-机械工程学士学位2020-04-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science - Mechanical Engineering悉尼
2020-05-07 工学学士(荣誉学位)医学科学学士-数据工程学2020-05-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science - Data Engineering悉尼科技大学澳
2020-04-15 工学学士(荣誉学位)医学-土木工程学士学位2020-04-15 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science - Civil Engineering悉尼科技大学澳
2020-04-23 工学学士(荣誉学位)-土木工程学(具有建筑专业知识)2020-04-23 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Civil Engineering (with Construction Specialisa
2020-05-07 工学学士(荣誉学位)创新情报与创新学士学位-数据工程2020-05-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
2020-04-15 工学学士(荣誉学位)商业学士-生物医学工程学2020-04-15 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business - Biomedical Engineering悉尼科技大学澳大
2020-04-07 工学学士(荣誉学位)国际研究学士学位-机械工程学2020-04-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies - Mechani