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2020-04-07 比较文学哲学博士-德文文学研究2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Literature - German Literary Studies加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校(Santa Barb
2020-04-07 土木与环境工程理学硕士-水文学与水动力学2020-04-07 Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering - Hydrology and Water Resources
2020-08-12 生物工程学硕士-生物信息学和计算生物学2020-08-12 Master of Engineering in Bioengineering - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology加州大学伯克利分
2020-04-07 土木与环境工程哲学博士-结构,岩土工程与材料2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering - Structures, Geotechnics a
2020-07-22 风景园林学硕士(第二专业学位)2020-07-22 Master of Landscape Architecture (Second Professional Degree)加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley Campus)美国 B
2020-07-31 社会学哲学博士-女性主义理论与研究2020-07-31 Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology - Feminist Theory and Research加州大学戴维斯分校美国雅思分数 预定考试0.0开学日期2
2020-04-07 土木与环境工程哲学博士-结构工程,力学与材料2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering - Structural Engineering, M
2020-04-07 土木与环境工程哲学博士-交通运输工程2020-04-07 Doctor of philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering - Transportation Engineering加州大
2020-07-27 生态哲学博士-生态系统与景观生态学2020-07-27 Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology - Ecosystems and Landscape Ecology加州大学戴维斯分校美国雅思分数 预定考试0.0开学日
2020-04-07 水文科学与政策科学学士学位2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Hydrologic Sciences and Policy加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校(Santa Barbara)美国 Santa Barbara雅
2020-07-27 心理与脑科学哲学博士-发展与进化心理学2020-07-27 Doctor of Philosophy in Psychological and Brain Sciences - Developmental and Evolutionary
2020-07-26 生物工程/材料科学与工程学士学位2020-07-26 Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering/Materials Science and Engineering加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley
2020-04-07 物理学理学士(天体物理学)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Physics (Astrophysics)加州大学圣克鲁斯分校(California Campus)美国 Santa Cruz雅思分数 预定考试
2020-07-13 西班牙语和葡萄牙语文学学士学位2020-07-13 Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Portuguese加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley Campus)美国 Berkeley雅思分数 预定考试0.0
2020-07-12 生物化学与分子生物学理学学士2020-07-12 Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校(Santa Barbara)美国 Santa Bar
2020-04-07 拉丁美洲和拉丁美洲研究文学学士学位2020-04-07 Bachelor of Arts in Latin American and Latino Studies加州大学圣克鲁斯分校(California Campus)美国 Santa C
2020-07-27 机械工程哲学博士-动态系统,控制和机器人2020-07-27 Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering - Dynamic Systems, Control and Robotics加州大
2020-04-07 土木与环境工程哲学博士-交通运输工程2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering - Transportation Engineering加州大
2020-07-22 土木与环境工程哲学博士-环境工程2020-07-22 Doctor of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering - Environmental Engineering加州大学伯克
2020-08-04 材料科学与工程工程硕士-先进结构材料2020-08-04 Master of Engineering in Materials Science and Engineering - Advanced Structural Materials加