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2020-06-08 心理学文学士2020-06-08 Bachelor of Arts in Psychology埃德蒙顿康科迪亚大学(Edmonton)加拿大 Edmonton雅思分数 预定考试6.0开学日期2022/1课程时长4年| 课程简介心理学是对人类
2020-04-07 工程学硕士-电气和计算机工程2020-04-07 Master of Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Busines
2020-04-07 计算机应用文学士-数学和统计2020-04-07 Bachelor of Arts in Computer Applications - Mathematics and Statistics康科迪亚大学(John Molson School
2020-06-06 工商管理研究生文凭2020-06-06 Graduate Diploma in Business Administration康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定
2020-04-07 生物学哲学博士2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Biology康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定考试6.5开学日期2022/
2020-06-06 工程学硕士-土木工程2020-06-06 Master of Engineering - Civil Engineering康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定考
2020-04-07 建筑工程哲学博士2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Building Engineering康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定
2020-04-07 文学士-社会学(荣誉学位)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Arts - Sociology (Honours)康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定考
2020-04-07 文学士-政治科学(荣誉学位)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Arts - Political Science (Honours)康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montrea
2020-04-07 物理学哲学博士2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定考试6.5开学日期2022/
2020-04-07 信息与系统工程哲学博士2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Information and Systems Engineering康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加
2020-04-07 应用科学硕士-质量系统工程2020-04-07 Master of Applied Science - Quality Systems Engineering康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大
2020-06-07 计算机科学学士(普通)2020-06-07 Bachelor of Computer Science (General)康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定考试7
2022-01-24 近些年,随着国内电影市场的迅猛发展,电影产业迎来了春天,很多年轻人都想从事电影行业,加拿大的电影产业非常发达,培养了无数顶尖的电影人才,因此,越来越多的学生去加拿大攻读电影专业,那么,问题来了,加拿大哪些大学有电影研究硕士专业?接下来,就随
2020-04-07 宗教学文学士2020-04-07 Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies埃德蒙顿康科迪亚大学(Edmonton)加拿大 Edmonton雅思分数 预定考试6.0开学日期2022/1课程时长3年| 课程简介
2020-04-07 生物化学理学学士2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定考试7.0开学日期
2020-04-07 教育学士-英语作为第二语言的教学2020-04-07 Bachelor of Education - Teaching English as a Second Language康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Bus
2020-04-07 计算机科学学士-Web服务和应用2020-04-07 Bachelor of Computer Science - Web Services and Applications康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Busi
2020-04-07 文学士-城市研究与城市规划(荣誉学位)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Arts - Urban Studies and Urban Planning (Honours)康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of
2020-04-07 文学士-西方社会与文化(荣誉学位)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Arts - Western Society and Culture (Honours)康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Busines