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2020-04-07 文学士-历史(荣誉学位)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Arts - History (Honours)康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定考试7.
2020-06-06 工商管理硕士-投资管理2020-06-06 Master of Business Administration - Investment Management康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大
2020-06-06 文学士-人类环境(荣誉)2020-06-06 Bachelor of Arts - Human Environment (Honours)康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅
2020-04-07 健康与运动科学哲学博士2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Health and Exercise Science康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montr
2020-04-07 理学学士-纯粹与应用数学2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science - Pure and Applied Mathematics康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montr
2020-04-07 工程学硕士-软件工程2020-04-07 Master of Engineering - Software Engineering康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数
2020-04-07 软件工程应用科学硕士2020-04-07 Master of Applied Science in Software Engineering康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal
2020-06-07 计算机应用学士学位2020-06-07 Bachelor of Computer Science in Computer Applications康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montr
2020-04-07 文学硕士-个性化课程2020-04-07 Master of Arts - Individualized Program康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定考试6
2020-04-07 文学士-西方社会与文化2020-04-07 Bachelor of Arts - Western Society and Culture康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思
2020-06-06 土木工程哲学博士2020-06-06 Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定考试6
2020-04-07 政治学哲学博士2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定考试6.
2020-04-07 文学士-幼儿和基础教育2020-04-07 Bachelor of Arts - Early Childhood and Elementary Education康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加
2020-04-07 文学士-精算数学/金融2020-04-07 Bachelor of Arts - Actuarial Mathematics/Finance康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal
2021-03-28 康考迪亚大学是位于加拿大第二大城市蒙特利尔的一所知名综合类公立大学,该校的的商学院被普遍认可为世界一流的商学院,是加拿大第一所通过国际高等商学院协会(AACSB)认证的商学院,众多知名商界精英与金融界领袖都曾在此求学。接下来为大家介绍:20
2020-04-07 创新,技术和社会研究生证书2020-04-07 Graduate Certificate in Innovation, Technology and Society康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)
2020-04-07 理学硕士-个性化课程2020-04-07 Master of Science - Individualized Program康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定
2020-04-07 理学学士-数学和统计学2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science - Mathematics and Statistics康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal
2020-06-07 理学学士-精算数学2020-06-07 Bachelor of Science - Actuarial Mathematics康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定
2020-06-07 文学士-精算数学2020-06-07 Bachelor of Arts - Actuarial Mathematics康科迪亚大学(John Molson School of Business)加拿大 Montreal雅思分数 预定考试7.