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2020-04-26 Navitas软件工程(荣誉)学士学位-南澳大利亚大学2020-04-26 Bachelor of Software Engineering ( Honours) Navitas - University of South Australi
2020-05-29 工学学士(荣誉学位)/软件创新与设计学士学位2020-05-29 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Bachelor of Innovation and Design in Software斯威本科技大
2020-06-22 计算机科学与工业应用(软件工程)理学士学位2020-06-22 Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Software Engineering) BSc Honours纽卡斯尔大学(Urba
2020-06-29 理学学士(荣誉)计算机科学(软件工程)2020-06-29 BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Software Engineering)伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院(Egham Campus)英国 Egham雅思分数 预定
2020-05-26 纳维塔斯(机械)工程(荣誉)学士-阿德莱德大学(A071)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) Navitas - The University of Adela
2020-04-26 纳维塔斯(机械和运动)工程(荣誉)学士学位-阿德莱德大学2020-04-26 Bachelor of Engineering ( Honours) (Mechanical and Sports) Navitas - The Universi
2020-05-26 工学学士(荣誉学位)(化学)/文学士Navitas-阿德莱德大学2020-05-26 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical)/Bachelor of Arts Navitas - The U
2020-04-26 纳维塔斯(矿物地球科学)理学学士-阿德莱德大学2020-04-26 Bachelor of Science (Mineral Geoscience) Navitas - The University of Adelaide埃因斯伯里学院澳大
2020-04-26 纳维塔斯大学(荣誉)(石油和化学)工程学士学位-阿德莱德大学2020-04-26 Bachelor of Engineering ( Honours) ( Petroleum and Chemical) Navitas - The Univ
2020-05-26 工学学士(荣誉学位)(化学)/理学士Navitas-阿德莱德大学2020-05-26 Bachelor of Engineering ( Honours) (Chemical)/ Bachelor of Science Navitas -
2020-04-26 纳维塔斯(荣誉)(采矿)工程学士学位-阿德莱德大学2020-04-26 Bachelor of Engineering ( Honours) (Mining) Navitas - The University of Adelaide埃因斯伯
2020-05-26 纳维塔斯(国际)金融学学士-阿德莱德大学(A090)2020-05-26 Bachelor of Finance (International) Navitas - The University of Adelaide (A090)埃因斯伯
2020-05-26 纳维塔斯(土木和结构)工程(荣誉)学士学位-阿德莱德大学2020-05-26 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Structural) Navitas - The University
2020-04-07 Navitas理学士学位(兽医生物科学)-阿德莱德大学2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) Navitas - The University of Adelaide埃因
2020-05-26 环境政策与管理学士/ Navitas法学学士-阿德莱德大学2020-05-26 Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management/Bachelor of Laws Navitas - The U
2020-04-24 工学士(荣誉学位)(电气和电子)双学位/组合学位-数学和计算机科学2020-04-24 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Electronic) double/combine
2023-09-08 土木工程师是维护和建造现代生活的基础设施,比如桥梁、道路、隧道、铁路……。由此可见,土木工程师在城市建设中扮演着非常重要的角色,澳洲的房产行业十分火爆,其建筑业迎来了“红利期”。这也意味着社会将需要更多土木工程是来加入,在澳洲开设土木工程专
2020-04-26 纳维塔斯大学(土木与环境)(荣誉)工程学士学位-阿德莱德大学2020-04-26 Bachelor of Engineering ( Honours) (Civil and Environmental) Navitas - The Univ
2020-06-29 理学学士(荣誉)计算机科学(软件工程)专业2020-06-29 BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Software Engineering) with Year in Industry伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院(Egha
2020-06-29 工学学士(荣誉)软件和电子系统工程(按行业排名)2020-06-29 BEng (Hons) Software and Electronic Systems Engineering (with Year in Industry)贝尔法斯特女