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2020-06-03 MHEC-幼儿教育学士学位(荣誉学位)2020-06-03 MHEC - Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Honours)埃因斯伯里学院澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试7.0课程时长4年| 课程简介U
2020-04-07 大学学历证明-幼儿教育(蒙特利尔)2020-04-07 Attestation of College Studies - Early Childhood Education (Montreal)拉萨尔学院(Renfrew Campus (V
2020-04-07 幼儿教育老师(1至6年级)理学硕士-双语教育[选项A]2020-04-07 Master of Science in Education in Childhood Education Teacher (Grades 1 to 6) - Bi
2020-07-24 幼儿教育教师教育科学硕士(出生至2年级)[选项A]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education in Early Childhood Education Teacher (Birth to Grade
2020-04-07 安大略省幼儿教育大专文凭2020-04-07 Ontario College Diploma in Early Childhood Education迦南多尔应用艺术及技术学院(Stanford Brampton Campus)加拿大 Br
2020-08-12 教育学理学硕士,幼儿教育老师(1至6年级)-科学与环境教育(选项B)2020-08-12 Master of Science in Education in Childhood Education Teacher (Grades 1 to
2020-07-24 幼儿教育教师教育科学硕士(出生至2年级)[选项C]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education in Early Childhood Education Teacher (Birth to Grade
2020-07-24 幼儿教育老师(1至6年级)理学硕士-科学与环境教育[选项C]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education in Childhood Education Teacher (Grades 1 to 6) -
2020-07-24 教育理学硕士-幼儿教育老师-数学专家(5至9年级)[B选项]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education - Middle Childhood Education Teacher - Mathemati
2020-07-24 教育理学硕士-幼儿教育老师-数学专家(5至9年级)[选项C]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education - Middle Childhood Education Teacher - Mathemati
2020-08-12 教育理学硕士-幼儿教育老师-数学专家(5至9年级)[选项D]2020-08-12 Master of Science in Education - Middle Childhood Education Teacher - Mathemati
2020-07-24 幼儿教育教师教育科学硕士(出生至2年级)[选项B]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education in Early Childhood Education Teacher (Birth to Grade
2020-08-12 教育理学硕士-幼儿教育中的残疾学生老师(1至6年级)[选项E]2020-08-12 Master of Science in Education - Teacher of Students with Disabilities in Chil
2020-08-12 教育学硕士-幼儿教育中的残疾学生老师(1至6年级)[选项D]2020-08-12 Master of Science in Education - Teacher of Students with Disabilities in Child
2020-07-24 教育理学硕士-幼儿教育中的残疾学生老师(2年级出生)[30学分选择]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education - Teacher of Students with Disabilities in E
2020-07-24 教育科学硕士-幼儿教育中的残疾学生的老师(1至6年级)[选项A]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education - Teacher of Students with Disabilities in Chi
2020-04-07 安大略大学幼儿教育强化文凭(加速课程)2020-04-07 Ontario College Diploma in Early Childhood Education Intensive (accelerated)迦南多尔应用艺术及技术学院(
2020-07-26 教育科学硕士-幼儿教育中的残疾学生老师(2年级出生)[33个学分]2020-07-26 Master of Science in Education - Teacher of Students with Disabilities in Ea
2020-07-24 教育科学硕士-幼儿教育中的残疾学生的老师(1至6年级)[选项B]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education - Teacher of Students with Disabilities in Chi
2020-07-24 幼儿教育老师(1至6年级)理学硕士-数学[方案B]2020-07-24 Master of Science in Education in Childhood Education Teacher (Grades 1 to 6) - Math