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2022-01-03 costApplication fee: $200 CanadianTuition (academic year) : $10,000 CADMedical Insurance (academic year) : $600 CADHomes
2021-12-31 Edmonton Catholic School District is located in Edmonton, Alberta, which is the fifth largest city in Canada, with beaut
2022-09-08 对于很多同学来说,没能选择到心仪的院校与专业是很烦恼的事,一方面在自己不喜欢的领域苦读,提不起来兴趣;还有部分学生是因为自己所学专业就业率太低,因此产生了转专业或者转学的想法。接下来为大家介绍:想要进入到自己的Dream School?英国
2021-12-31 Campbell River School District is a public school district recognized by the Canadian provincial government, with strong
2022-01-04 SUBJECTS (ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY)English Language Arts • Mathematics • French as a Second Language • Ethics and Religi
2022-01-07 圣约翰学生成立于1986年,坐落在卑诗省温哥华市,交通环境十分便利,这是一所优秀的私立男女混合学校,提供幼儿园至12年级的课程,学校的毕业率很高,毕业生去向也比较好,为学生提供了多样化的学术支持,那么接下来小编就带着大家一起来了解下加拿大s
2022-01-01 International Student Application materials:Before you begin, collect all the necessary information and documents below:
2022-01-06 Tuition & Boarding FeesINTERNATIONAL DAY FEES 2022-2023: CDN $37,877 which includes: tuition, student supplies & enrichm
2021-12-30 The North Vancouver School District is 8 km north of downtown Vancouver and is located across Bradner Bay from the city
2022-01-03 A. A committed and caring teaching and non-teaching staffWe believe the personnel is the best. Not only are we recognize
2022-01-04 Core Fees:UK/EEAPer Term:£11,560Per Annum:£34,680Non-UK/EEAPer Term:£13,300Per Annum:£39,900Weekly BoardingPer Term:£9,9
2022-11-21 一场疫情让世界陷入灰色,许多追逐自己梦想的留学生也都停下了脚步。随着全球疫情的逐渐稳定,留学之路也不再像之前那样艰难,取而代之的是各国名校对留学生的政策利好,也让大家更积极的拥抱新升的太阳。接下来为大家介绍:2023江苏崇川区英国留学学校排
2022-01-06 A leading Montessori private school in both York Region, as well as the Greater Toronto Area, Town Centre Private School
2022-01-04 Admissions CriteriaAll secondary school (grade 9 -12) applicants must have a B average or greater (approximately 70%).El
2022-01-04 Summary of All Program FeesTuition Fees Secondary School (Grades 9-12):$14,400.00Tuition Fees Elementary School (Grades
2022-01-01 St. Andrew’s Catholic High School is a private aristocratic school located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The sc
2021-08-06 新英格兰女子学校是澳大利亚最大的寄宿女子学校之一,致力教以学生崇高的价值观,使其能够充分发挥自身潜能,据悉,全球每年都有许多人慕名前往留学深造,为此今天小编就为大家整理了澳洲新英格兰女子学校(New England Girls’School
2021-08-04 布朗英语语言学校一直以来都以提供"最好的学校环境及最好的教学质量"为目标,除了不断更新的学校硬设备,另外学校的师资更是经过学校严格地筛选,有着十分杰出的教学水平,学校开设的课程很多,那么接下来小编就带着大家一起来了解下Browns Engl
2022-01-01 Teacher applicants are asked to provide the following when applying:A cover letterA resume which should include:Letters
2022-01-04 In order to submit an application, the documents listed below are required. All documentation submitted must be original