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2020-07-17 德文文学与文化哲学博士2020-07-17 Doctor of Philosophy in German Literature and Culture宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University Park)美国
2020-08-12 社会学哲学博士-定量方法2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology- Quantitative Methods宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University Park
2020-07-20 组织领导学理学学士2020-07-20 Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University Park)美国 Univer
2020-07-12 艺术教育与女性,性别与性研究哲学博士2020-07-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Art Education and Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies宾州州立大学帕克分校(P
2020-08-12 人类发展与家庭研究理学学士-终身服务2020-08-12 Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies- Life Span Human Services宾州州立大学
2020-04-07 能源与矿产工程理学硕士-石油与天然气工程2020-04-07 Master of Science in Energy and Mineral Engineering- Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineerin
2020-04-07 植物病理学哲学博士2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Pathology宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University Park)美国 University Park
2020-04-07 微生物学学士学位2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Microbiology宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University Park)美国 University Park雅思分数
2020-08-12 电气工程哲学博士-电子材料与器件2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- Electronic Materials and Devices宾州州立大学帕克分校(Pe
2020-08-12 电气工程哲学博士-控制与决策系统2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- Control and Decision Systems宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn S
2020-07-12 分子,细胞和整合生物科学哲学博士2020-07-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Biosciences宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State
2020-07-19 能源工程理学学士/能源与矿物工程理学硕士2020-07-19 Bachelor of Science in Energy Engineering / Master of Science in Energy and Mineral Engin
2020-08-12 信息科学与技术理学学士-人,组织与社会2020-08-12 Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences and Technology- People, Organizations and Soci
2020-07-31 工商管理哲学博士-管理与组织2020-07-31 Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration - Management and Organization宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn St
2020-04-07 野生动物与渔业科学哲学博士2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Wildlife and Fisheries Science宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University Park
2020-08-12 电气工程哲学博士-电磁学2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- Electromagnetics宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main Univer
2020-04-07 生物伦理学双学位博士学位2020-04-07 Dual-Title Doctorate of Philosophy in Bioethics宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University Park)美国 Univ
2020-08-12 运动机能学理学硕士-生物力学2020-08-12 Master of Science in Kinesiology- Biomechanics宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University Park)美国 Uni
2020-08-12 电气工程哲学博士-遥感与空间系统2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- Remote Sensing and Space Systems宾州州立大学帕克分校(Pe
2020-08-12 工业工程哲学博士-运营,服务和分析2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering- Operations, Services, and Analytics宾州州立大学帕克分