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2020-07-02 专业学位(荣誉)文学士学位2020-07-02 BA (Hons) Geography with Professional Placement埃克塞特大学(St Luke's Campus)英国 Exeter雅思分数 预定考试6.5开学日期
2020-07-02 物理专业获理学学士学位2020-07-02 Physics with Foundation Year BSc Honours纽卡斯尔大学(Urban Sciences Building)英国 Newcastle Helix雅思分数 预定考试
2020-06-05 教育学士(小学)和文学士-地理专业2020-06-05 Bachelor of Education (Primary) and Bachelor of Arts - with a major in Geography麦考瑞大学(Distan
2020-06-05 教育学士(小学)和文学士-音乐学专业2020-06-05 Bachelor of Education (Primary) and Bachelor of Arts - with a major in Music Studies麦考瑞大学(D
2020-08-07 国际民用工程专业一年级2020-08-07 International Year One in Engineering with Civil Emphasis马歇尔大学 - INTO USA(School of Pharmacy)美国 Hu
2020-07-29 法学博士/(自然资源与环境科学专业硕士)2020-07-29 Juris Doctor / (Professional Science Masters) in Natural Resources and Environmental Scie
2020-06-16 环境科学(荣誉)理学士学位(国外专业学位)2020-06-16 BSc (Hons) Environmental Science with Professional Placement Abroad伯明翰大学(University of B
2020-04-07 牙齿卫生学学士学位(专业入门级)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene (Professional Entry-Level)德州女子大学(Dallas Campus)美国 Dalla
2020-04-07 安大略大学卫生管理专业研究生证书2020-04-07 Ontario College Graduate Certificate in Health Care Administration索特学院(Sault College Campus)加
2020-06-29 BSc(荣誉)人文科学专业学位2020-06-29 BSc (Hons) Human Sciences with Professional Placement埃克塞特大学(St Luke's Campus)英国 Exeter雅思分数 预定考
2020-04-07 医学放射科学学士学位(专业)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (with specialisations)查尔斯特大学(Sydney (Study Centre))澳大利亚 D
2020-07-01 BSc(荣誉)商业管理(金融)专业,一年以上2020-07-01 BSc (Hons) Business Management (Finance) With a Year Abroad斯旺西大学(Bay Campus)英国 Swansea雅
2020-05-29 工学学士(荣誉学位)(专业)2020-05-29 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Professional)斯威本科技大学(Sarawak Campus)澳大利亚 Kuching雅思分数 预定考试6.5
2020-07-04 工学士(荣誉)土木和基础设施工程专业2020-07-04 BEng (Hons) Civil and Infrastructure Engineering with Sandwich Year伦敦金斯顿大学(Roehampton Vale)
2020-08-02 工业工程技术专业的工程技术学士学位2020-08-02 Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology in Industrial Engineering Technology代顿大学-Shore
2020-06-23 工学学士(荣誉)机电和机器人工程专业2020-06-23 BEng (Hons) Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering with a Year in Industry谢菲尔德大学(Sheffield Mai
2020-06-12 机电工程专业荣誉学士学位2020-06-12 Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Mechatronics Engineering坎特伯雷大学(Main Campus)新西兰 Christchur
2020-06-12 土木工程专业研究生证书2020-06-12 Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering in Civil Engineering坎特伯雷大学(Main Campus)新西兰 Christchurch雅思分
2020-06-09 计算学(荣誉)计算学士学位-数据分析[专业]2020-06-09 Bachelor of Computing (Honours) in Computing - Data Analytics [Major]皇后大学(Beijing Campu
2020-08-09 物理学理学学士-专业顺序2020-08-09 Bachelor of Science in Physics - Professional Sequence匹兹堡州立大学(Pittsburg State University Campus)美