IDP为您找到相关结果约 37098个
2020-04-07 电气和计算机工程理学硕士-应用物理(电子设备和材料)2020-04-07 Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Applied Physics (Electro
2020-04-07 电气和计算机工程学理学硕士-数字图像/信号处理2020-04-07 Master of Science in Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Digital Imag
2020-07-04 工程,计算机,数学和科学硕士预科课程-兰卡斯特大学-国际学习中心2020-07-04 Pre-Masters Programme in Engineering, Computing, Mathematics and Science - La
2020-07-14 电气和计算机工程理学硕士2020-07-14 Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering印第安纳大学-普渡大学印第安纳波利斯分校(IUPUI campus)美国 Indi
2020-08-01 工商管理硕士(具有计算机信息系统选件的Flex)2020-08-01 Master of Business Administration in Business Administration (Flex with Computer Info
2020-04-07 电气和计算机工程工程学理学硕士-电子和数字系统2020-04-07 Master of Science in Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics
2020-07-31 电气和计算机工程理学硕士-微电子学和VLSI2020-07-31 Master of Science in Electrical And Computer Engineering - Microelectronics and VLSI杨百翰
2020-08-06 电气工程学学士/计算机工程理学硕士2020-08-06 Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering/Master of Science in Computer Engineering佛罗里达大
2020-07-02 拥有互联网经济学的高级计算机科学专业,并拥有一年的工业硕士学位2020-07-02 Advanced Computer Science with Internet Economics with a Year in Industry MSc利
2020-06-23 电子工程学工程学硕士,计算机系统(荣誉学位)-专业培训2020-06-23 Master of Engineering in Electronic Engineering with Computer Systems (Honors) - P
2020-07-15 电气和计算机工程专业的商务和科学硕士2020-07-15 Master of Business and Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering罗格斯新泽西州立大学新不伦瑞克分校(New
2020-06-03 纳维塔斯网络安全(计算机科学)硕士-拉筹伯大学2020-06-03 Master of Cybersecurity (Computer Science) Navitas - La Trobe University澳大利亚拉筹伯学院(Navi
2020-06-03 信息技术(计算机网络)硕士Navitas-拉筹伯大学2020-06-03 Master of Information Technology (Computer Networks) Navitas - La Trobe University澳
2020-08-04 数学科学理学硕士-数学计算机科学2020-08-04 Masters of Science in Mathematical Sciences - Mathematical Computer Science罗格斯新泽西州立大学卡姆登分校美国雅
2020-08-06 信息技术与管理理学硕士-计算机科学数据分析2020-08-06 Master of Science in Information Technology and Management - Computer Science Data Analy
2020-04-07 电气和计算机工程学理学硕士-生物医学工程2020-04-07 Master of Science in Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engi
2020-08-08 电气和计算机工程理学硕士-机器学习和数据科学2020-08-08 Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Machine Learning and Data Sc
2020-08-04 电气工程和计算机科学工程硕士-信号处理和通信2020-08-04 Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences - Signal Processi
2020-07-01 理学硕士(荣誉)计算机科学(分布式和网络系统)2020-07-01 MSci (Hons) Computer Science (Distributed and Networked Systems)伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院(Egham Camp
2020-06-24 研究信息学硕士-ICSA:计算机体系结构,编译和系统软件,网络和通信2020-06-24 MSc by Research Informatics - ICSA: Computer Architecture, Compilation and