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2020-08-10 工商管理理学学士-组织领导力2020-08-10 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Organizational Leadership西弗吉尼亚大学(Morgantown)美国
2020-08-10 食品科学与技术哲学博士-高压加工2020-08-10 Doctor of Philosophy in Food Science and Technology- High Pressure Processing弗吉尼亚理工大学(Alexand
2020-08-03 电气工程哲学博士-太空与大气科学2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- Space and Atmospheric Science弗吉尼亚理工大学(Alexand
2020-08-10 食品科学与技术哲学博士-食品安全与卫生2020-08-10 Doctor of Philosophy in Food Science and Technology- Food Safety and Health弗吉尼亚理工大学(Alexan
2020-08-02 生物医学工程学学士学位2020-08-02 Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering西弗吉尼亚大学-国际学习中心(StudyGroup)(Morgantown Campus)美国 Morga
2020-04-07 人类营养,食品和运动科学理学硕士-行为与社区科学2020-04-07 Master of Science in Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise- Behavioral and Community S
2020-08-03 物理学哲学博士-实验核与粒子物理2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics- Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics弗吉尼亚理工大学(Alexandria
2020-08-03 电气工程哲学博士-认知科学与信号处理2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- Cognitive Science and Signal Processing弗吉尼亚
2020-08-10 食品科学与技术哲学博士-食品化学,感官与质量2020-08-10 Doctor of Philosophy in Food Science and Technology- Food Chemistry, Sensory and Qualit
2020-08-10 食品科学与技术哲学博士-葡萄栽培与葡萄栽培2020-08-10 Doctor of Philosophy in Food Science and Technology- Enology and Viticulture弗吉尼亚理工大学(Ale
2020-04-07 人类营养,食品和运动哲学博士-行为与社区科学2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise- Behavioral and Community
2020-04-07 人类营养,食品和运动哲学博士-分子和细胞科学2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise- Molecular and Cellular Sc
2020-08-03 心理学哲学博士-生物心理学2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology- Biological Psychology弗吉尼亚理工大学(Alexandria Campus)美国 Alexandri
2020-04-07 农业与应用经济学哲学博士-食品与卫生经济学2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural and Applied Economics- Food and Health Economics弗吉尼
2020-08-03 电气工程哲学博士-高性能和可配置计算2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- High Performance and Configurable Computing
2020-08-10 计算机科学与应用科学硕士-生物信息学2020-08-10 Master of Science in Computer Science and Applications- Bioinformatics弗吉尼亚理工大学(Alexandria C
2020-04-07 生物识别系统科学学士学位2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Biometric Systems西弗吉尼亚大学-国际学习中心(StudyGroup)(Morgantown Campus)美国 Morgantow
2020-08-02 环境地球科学文学士学位2020-08-02 Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Geoscience西弗吉尼亚大学-国际学习中心(StudyGroup)(Morgantown Campus)美国 Morgan
2020-08-03 心理学哲学博士-工业/组织心理学2020-08-03 Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology- Industrial/Organizational Psychology弗吉尼亚理工大学(Alexandria C
2020-07-20 商业信息技术理学学士-决策支持系统2020-07-20 Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology- Decision Support Systems弗吉尼亚理工大学(Ale