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2020-08-05 婚姻与家庭治疗应用科学硕士2020-08-05 Master of Applied Science in Marriage and Family Therapy亚利桑那州立大学 - Kaplan International(Lake Hav
2020-07-31 儿童,青少年和家庭研究理学硕士2020-07-31 Master of Science in Child, Youth and Family Studies - Ethnic Studies内布拉斯加大学林肯分校(Innovation Ca
2020-07-31 人类发展和家庭研究理科学士学位,并获得6项通才证书2020-07-31 Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies with EC to 6 Generalist
2020-04-07 人类发展与家庭研究理学硕士2020-04-07 Master of Science in Human Development and Family Studies北卡罗来纳大学格林斯伯勒分校(Greensboro Campus)美国 Gre
2020-08-12 人类发展与家庭科学理学学士-儿童发展2020-08-12 Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Science - Child Development密西西比州立大学(Sta
2020-04-07 家庭和消费者科学理学学士-时尚营销2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences - Fashion Merchandising田纳西州立大学(Main Camp
2020-07-20 咨询与人力资源开发理学硕士-婚姻与家庭咨询2020-07-20 Master of Science in Counseling and Human Resource Development - Marriage and Family Cou
2020-08-01 家庭,消费者和人类发展科学学士-儿童发展2020-08-01 Bachelor of Science in Family, Consumer, and Human Development - Child Development犹他州立大学(
2020-08-01 家庭,消费者和人类发展文学学士-人类发展寿命2020-08-01 Bachelor of Arts in Family, Consumer, and Human Development - Human Development Lifespa
2020-04-07 安大略大学土著儿童和家庭服务文凭2020-04-07 Ontario College Diploma in Native Child and Family Services加拿大联邦应用艺术及技术学院(Thunder Bay Campus)
2020-07-08 人文科学理学学士-儿童和家庭服务2020-07-08 Bachelor of Science in Human Sciences -Child and Family Services俄克拉荷马州立大学(Oklahoma State Univ
2020-08-09 人类发展与家庭研究理学学士-预防与干预科学2020-08-09 Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies- Prevention and Intervention
2020-08-12 社会学哲学博士-家庭,关系和人际关系网2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology- Families, Relationships, and Interpersonal Networks宾州州立
2020-08-02 家庭和消费者科学理学学士-室内设计2020-08-02 Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences - Interior Design贝勒大学-国际学习中心(StudyGroup)
2020-08-01 社会学文学学士-儿童,青年和家庭2020-08-01 Bachelor of Arts in Sociology - Children, Youth and Families加利福尼亚州立大学-圣马科斯分校(San Marcos)美国 Sa
2020-07-28 临床心理学哲学博士-儿童/家庭/发展心理学2020-07-28 Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology- Child/Family/Developmental Psychology罗德岛大学(
2020-04-07 社会工作硕士-儿童,青年和家庭2020-04-07 Master of Social Work - Children, Youth and Families罗格斯新泽西州立大学新不伦瑞克分校(New Brunswick)美国 New Bru
2020-04-07 教育科学学士-家庭和消费者科学教学2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Education - Family and Consumer Sciences Teaching俄勒冈州立大学(Main Campus)
2020-07-28 行为科学哲学博士-儿童/家庭/发展心理学2020-07-28 Doctor of Philosophy in Behavioral Science- Child/Family/Developmental Psychology罗德岛大学(Na
2020-08-09 人类发展和家庭研究理学学士-幼儿专业2020-08-09 Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies- Early Childhood Professions科罗拉