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2020-06-27 精益六西格玛MSc的物流和供应链管理2020-06-27 Logistics and Supply Chain Management with Lean Six Sigma MSc赫瑞瓦特大学(Malaysia)英国 Putrajaya雅思
2020-05-07 理学学士/商业学士-物流与供应链管理2020-05-07 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Management格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅
2020-04-07 大学学历证明-运输物流(蒙特利尔)2020-04-07 Attestation of College Studies - Transportation Logistics (Montreal)拉萨尔学院(Renfrew Campus (Va
2020-06-13 新西兰国际货运物流文凭(货运代理)(5级)2020-06-13 New Zealand Diploma in International Freight Logistics (Freight Forwarding) (Level 5)国立中
2020-04-15 商科学士/国际商务学士-物流与供应链管理2020-04-15 Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of International Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Mana
2020-06-08 供应链和物流管理商务学士学位(合作)2020-06-08 Bachelor of Commerce in Supply Chain and Logistics Management (Co-Op)达尔豪斯大学(Agricultural Ca
2020-06-13 新西兰国际物流文凭(货运代理)(5级)2020-06-13 New Zealand Diploma in International Logistics (Freight Forwarding) (Level 5)马努考理工学院(New Z
2020-06-02 传播与新闻学士/商业学士-物流与供应链管理2020-06-02 Bachelor of Communication and Journalism/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Cha
2020-04-27 商科学士/商科学士-物流与供应链管理2020-04-27 Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Commerce - Logistics and Supply Chain Management格里菲斯大学澳大利亚
2020-06-13 供应链物流研究生文凭2020-06-13 Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain Logistics怀卡托理工学院(Thames Campus)新西兰 Thames雅思分数 预定考试0.0开学日期2020/2课程时
2020-08-02 物流与供应链管理理学学士2020-08-02 Bachelor of Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management鲍尔州立大学位(Main Campus)美国 Muncie雅思分数 预定考
2020-07-06 理学学士(荣誉)海运业务和物流专业2020-07-06 BSc (Hons) Maritime Business and Logistics with Foundation Year普利茅斯大学(Peninsula Schools of M
2020-06-09 物流(荣誉)工商管理学士2020-06-09 Bachelor of Business Administration in Logistics (Honours)纽布伦斯威克大学(Saint John Campus)加拿大 Saint Jo
2020-06-24 商业管理(荣誉)文学士学位(供应链与物流)2020-06-24 BA (Hons) Business Management (Supply Chain and Logistics)密德萨斯大学(Middlesex University -
2020-06-16 物流与供应链管理(荣誉)文学士学位2020-06-16 BA (Hons) Logistics and Supply Chain Management南威尔士大学(Dubai Campus)英国 Dubai雅思分数 预定考试6.0开学日期2
2020-04-23 荣誉法学士/商业学士-物流与供应链管理2020-04-23 Bachelor of Laws with Honours/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
2020-04-27 文学士/商业学士-物流与供应链管理2020-04-27 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Management格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数
2021-01-04 英国没有官方大学排名,所有台面上的都是由媒体主导。提供一定的参考,但不可以盲目崇拜排名。留学英国,最具参考性的就是The Times泰唔士报了,地位类似国内的的联合报;排名重视理论与研究品质,校园设施、就业率、学生感受度这些细节。接下来为大
2020-06-07 商科文凭-物流与供应链管理(合作社)2020-06-07 Diploma in Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Co-op)范肖应用艺术与技术学院(London South
2020-06-15 物流与供应链管理学士学位(荣誉)2020-06-15 Business with Logistics and Supply Chain Management BA (Hons)诺桑比亚大学(London Campus)英国 London雅思