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2020-04-07 商科学士(物流与供应链管理)(已申请)2020-04-07 Bachelor of Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) (Applied)皇家墨尔本理工大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定
2020-07-10 物流与供应链管理学士学位2020-07-10 Bachelor of Arts in Logistics and Supply Chain Management鲍尔州立大学位(Main Campus)美国 Muncie雅思分数 预定考试6.
2020-08-02 物流与供应链管理学士学位2020-08-02 Bachelor of Arts in Logistics and Supply Chain Management鲍尔州立大学位(Main Campus)美国 Muncie雅思分数 预定考试6.
2020-04-15 供应链与物流管理研究生证书2020-04-15 Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain and Logistics Management皇家墨尔本理工大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试6.5课程时长1年| 课程
2020-07-13 物流与供应链管理研究生证书2020-07-13 Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management密苏里大学圣路易斯分校美国雅思分数 预定考试6.5开学日期2022/1
2020-07-26 国际物流管理一级证书2020-07-26 International Logistics Management Level 1 Certificate帕洛阿尔托学院(Alamo Colleges)(Palo Alto College)美国
2020-05-07 信息技术学士/商业学士-物流与供应链管理2020-05-07 Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Mana
2020-05-29 商科学士/亚洲研究学士-物流与供应链管理2020-05-29 Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Asian Studies - Logistics and Supply Chain Management格里菲
2020-05-29 商科学士(商业信息系统与物流和供应链管理)2020-05-29 Bachelor of Commerce (Business Information Systems and Logistics and Supply Chain Manage
2020-04-07 哲学博士-流行病学-药物流行病学2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy - Epidemiology - Pharmacoepidemiology麦吉尔大学(Macdonald)加拿大 Sainte-Anne-de-
2020-04-20 法学学士/商科学士-物流与供应链管理2020-04-20 Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Management格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数
2020-06-18 国际贸易,物流和商务传播(荣誉)文学士学位(充值)2020-06-18 BA (Hons) International Trade, Logistics and Business Communication (Top-up)朴茨茅斯大学(L
2020-05-07 心理科学学士/商业学士-物流与供应链管理2020-05-07 Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Manag
2020-07-03 预科课程(荣誉)物流和供应链管理学士学位2020-07-03 BSc (Hons) Logistics and Supply Chain Management With a Foundation Year赫尔大学(Hull Campus)英
2020-04-24 商业物流与供应链管理学士学位(专业)2020-04-24 Bachelor of Business-Logistics and Supply Chain Management-Major格里菲斯大学澳大利亚雅思分数 预定考试6.5课程时长3
2020-07-16 物流与供应链管理应用科学副学士2020-07-16 Associate of Applied Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management帕洛阿尔托学院(Alamo Colleges)(P
2020-05-07 理学学士/商业学士-物流与供应链管理(弥敦校区)2020-05-07 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Management(Nath
2020-07-03 拥有一年的荣誉(荣誉)物流和供应链管理学士学位2020-07-03 BSc (Hons) Logistics and Supply Chain Management With a Year Abroad赫尔大学(Hull Campus)英国
2020-04-07 商业应用科学副学士-运输和物流管理2020-04-07 Associate of Applied Science in Business - Transportation and Logistics Management纽约州立大学纳苏社区
2020-05-07 工学学士(荣誉学位)/商业学士-物流与供应链管理2020-05-07 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business - Logistics and Supply Chain M