IDP为您找到相关结果约 12714个
2020-08-12 生物工程哲学博士-生物系统的计算模型2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering- Computational Modeling of Biological Systems宾州州立大学帕
2020-08-12 政治学哲学博士-美国政治2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science- American Politics宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University
2020-04-07 森林生态系统管理理学学士2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Forest Ecosystem Management宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University Park)美国 U
2020-08-12 生物技术理学学士-临床实验室科学2020-08-12 Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology- Clinical Laboratory Science宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main U
2020-08-12 航空航天工程哲学博士-航空声学2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Aerospace Engineering- Aeroacoustics宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main Univers
2020-07-19 卫生政策与行政理学学士/卫生行政学硕士2020-07-19 Bachelor of Science in Health Policy and Administration/Master of Health Administration宾州州
2020-04-07 建筑工程学士/建筑工程学硕士2020-04-07 Integrated Bachelor of Architectural Engineering / Master of Architectural Engineering宾州州立大学帕克分
2020-04-07 建筑工程综合学士/建筑工程理学硕士2020-04-07 Integrated Bachelor of Architectural Engineering / Master of Science in Architectural Engine
2020-08-12 电气工程哲学博士-电力和能源系统2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- Power and Energy Systems宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State
2020-08-12 运动学哲学博士-运动生理学2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology- Exercise Physiology宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University Pa
2020-08-12 气象学与大气科学理学学士-大气科学2020-08-12 Bachelor of Science in Meteorology and Atmospheric Science- Atmospheric Science宾州州立大学帕克分校(Pe
2020-04-07 理学学士/气象学和大气科学理学硕士2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science/Master of Science in Meteorology and Atmospheric Science宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn
2020-08-12 比较文学文学硕士-亚洲比较文学2020-08-12 Master of Arts in Comparative Literature- Comparative Asias宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main Universi
2020-07-31 辅导教育学硕士-临床康复和心理健康辅导2020-07-31 Master of Education in Counselor Education - Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Cou
2020-08-12 数据科学理学学士-计算数据科学2020-08-12 Bachelor of Science in Data Sciences- Computational Data Sciences宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main Un
2020-08-12 社会学哲学博士-社会不平等2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology- Social Inequality宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University Park)美
2020-08-12 社会学哲学博士-社会制度与文化2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology- Social Institutions and Culture宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main U
2020-08-12 电气工程哲学博士-光学材料,器件和系统2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- Optical Materials, Devices, and Systems宾州州
2020-08-04 建筑哲学博士,自然资源和环境的人类维度2020-08-04 Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture and Human Dimensions of Natural Resources and the Env
2020-08-12 生物工程哲学博士-生物医学影像学2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering- Biomedical Imaging宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main Universi