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2020-08-12 电气工程哲学博士-操作系统和云计算2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- Operating Systems and Cloud Computing宾州州立大学帕
2020-08-12 人类发展与家庭研究理学学士-生命周期发展科学2020-08-12 Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies- Life Span Developmental Sc
2020-08-12 电气工程哲学博士-数据科学与人工智能2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- Data Science and Artificial Intelligence宾州州
2020-04-07 石油与天然气工程理学学士/能源与矿物工程理学硕士2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering/Master of Science in Ene
2020-04-07 天文学与天体物理学博士学位2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy and Astrophysics宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University Park)美国
2020-08-12 电气工程哲学博士-集成电路与系统2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- Integrated Circuits and Systems宾州州立大学帕克分校(Pen
2020-08-12 生物工程哲学博士-生物医学装置2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering- Biomedical Devices宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main Universit
2020-08-12 运动机能学哲学博士-运动训练与运动医学2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology- Athletic Training and Sports Medicine宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn
2020-04-07 兽医和生物医学科学学士学位2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University P
2020-04-07 野生动物与渔业科学学士学位2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Fisheries Science宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University Park)
2020-07-17 德文语言学和应用语言学哲学博士2020-07-17 Doctor of Philosophy in German Linguistics and Applied Linguistics宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main U
2020-08-12 政治学哲学博士-国际关系2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science- International Relations宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main Univ
2020-08-12 分子,细胞和整合生物科学哲学博士-癌症生物学2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Biosciences- Cancer Biology
2020-08-12 电气工程哲学博士-编程语言和编译器2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- Programming Languages and Compilers宾州州立大学帕克分
2020-07-19 环境系统工程理学学士/能源与矿物工程理学硕士2020-07-19 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Systems Engineering/Master of Science in Energy an
2021-10-26 相信很多人都清楚,美国是世界上教育资源最丰富且教学水准最高的国家,我国每年都有许多人选择前往美国留学深造,而宾州州立大学帕克分校就是不少人的第一选择,为此今天小编就为大家整理了美国宾州州立大学帕克分校入学时间及优势专业等相关信息。在此推荐给
2020-07-12 生物化学与分子生物学理学学士2020-07-12 Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University
2020-07-17 供应链和信息系统科学学士学位2020-07-17 Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain and Information Systems宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main Universit
2020-08-12 比较文学文学硕士-世界文学理论与实践2020-08-12 Master of Arts in Comparative Literature- World Literature in Theory and Practice宾州州立大学帕克分校
2020-04-07 工程科学综合理学学士/工程科学与力学理学硕士2020-04-07 Integrated Bachelor of Science in Engineering Science / Master of Science in Engineerin