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2020-08-12 工业工程哲学博士-人为因素/人机工程学2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering- Human Factors/Ergonomics宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn St
2020-08-12 比较文学文学硕士-女性主义理论与性别研究2020-08-12 Master of Arts in Comparative Literature- Feminist Theory and Gender Studies宾州州立大学帕克分校(Pe
2020-07-31 综合与生物医学生理学理学硕士2020-07-31 Master of Science in Integrative and Biomedical Physiology宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main University
2020-08-12 电气工程哲学博士-生物医学设备和系统2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering- Biomedical Devices and Systems宾州州立大学帕克分校(Pe
2020-04-07 能源与矿产工程哲学博士-石油与天然气工程2020-04-07 Doctor of Philosophy in Energy and Mineral Engineering- Petroleum and Natural Gas Enginee
2020-04-07 气象学和大气科学理学学士-一般选择2020-04-07 Bachelor of Science in Meteorology and Atmospheric Science- General Option宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn St
2020-08-12 娱乐,公园和旅游管理理学学士-PGA职业高尔夫管理2020-08-12 Bachelor of Science in Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management- PGA Professional Go
2020-08-12 社会学文学硕士-家庭,人际关系和人际关系网2020-08-12 Master of Arts in Sociology- Families, Relationships, and Interpersonal Networks宾州州立大学帕克
2020-08-12 分子,细胞和整合生物科学哲学博士-细胞与发育生物学2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Biosciences- Cellular an
2020-08-12 分子,细胞和整合生物科学哲学博士-神经生物学2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Biosciences- Neurobiology宾州
2020-08-12 运动学心理学博士-体育活动心理学2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology- Psychology of Physical Activity宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Mai
2020-07-17 世界语言(K-12)教育科学学士学位2020-07-17 Bachelor of Science in World Languages (K-12) Education宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main Universit
2020-08-12 生物工程哲学博士-生物力学和力学生物学2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering- Biomechanics and Mechanobiology宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn Sta
2020-08-12 娱乐,公园和旅游管理理学学士-商业娱乐和旅游管理2020-08-12 Bachelor of Science in Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management- Commercial Recreatio
2020-07-19 五年制哲学博士,地理科学硕士2020-07-19 Five-Year Doctor of Philosophy with Master of Science in Geography宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State Main Un
2020-08-12 社会学哲学博士-家庭,关系和人际关系网2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology- Families, Relationships, and Interpersonal Networks宾州州立
2020-04-07 采矿工程综合理学学士/能源与矿物工程理学硕士2020-04-07 Integrated Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering / Master of Science in Energy and
2020-04-07 生物技术综合科学学士/生物技术生物科学硕士2020-04-07 Integrated Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology/Master of Biotechnology in Biotechnology
2020-08-12 分子,细胞和整合生物科学哲学博士-免疫学和传染病2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Biosciences- Immunology a
2020-08-12 航空航天工程-旋翼飞机工程哲学博士2020-08-12 Doctor of Philosophy in Aerospace Engineering- Rotorcraft Engineering宾州州立大学帕克分校(Penn State M